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Senior Executive Biographies

Angelina LaRose Angelina LaRosePrint-friendly PDF
Assistant Administrator for Energy Analysis

U.S. Energy Information Administration
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20585


Angelina LaRose is the Assistant Administrator for Energy Analysis. In this role, Angelina directs EIA’s energy modeling program, which support EIA’s forecasts and projections. Angelina also manages the topical analyses that EIA produces that span a range of fuels and activities.


Angelina has worked in support of EIA’s mission for nearly 20 years. From 2016 to 2019, Angelina was the Director of the Office of Integrated and International Energy Analysis. In that role, she was responsible for the integration of analysis and modelling for EIA's long-term domestic and international projections, as published in EIA's Annual Energy Outlook and International Energy Outlook, respectively, as well as short-term forecasts, as published in EIA's Short-Term Energy Outlook. In addition, her office produced EIA's country-level analysis and international energy statistics.

Prior to serving in that role, Angelina led EIA's natural gas analysis. For more than 10 years, she worked in natural gas analysis for EIA and contributed to many of her team’s products, including the Natural Gas Weekly Update and the Effects of LNG Exports on Domestic Energy Markets report. Prior to her leadership of the natural gas team, she was the product manager of EIA's Today in Energy when that publication was launched. Before she worked at EIA, she worked as a senior energy analyst at a private consulting firm.

Angelina earned her Masters of Business Administration with a finance concentration and Bachelors of Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, College Park.