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World Energy Projection System Plus: Overview

December 19, 2017


Purpose of this report

This documentation provides a summary description of the World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) that was used to generate the projections of energy consumption, prices, and production for the International Energy Outlook 2017 (IEO2017). This overview presents a brief description of the methodology and scope of each of the component modules of WEPS+, along with a brief description of the modeling system. Further details on each of the component modules of WEPS+ are provided by individual model documentation reports. This document serves three purposes. First, it is a reference document providing a detailed description for model analysts, users, and the public. Second, it meets the legal requirement of the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to provide adequate documentation in support of its models (Public Law 93‐275, section 57.b.1). Third, it facilitates continuity in model development by providing documentation from which energy analysts can undertake and analyze their own model enhancements, data updates, and parameter refinements for future projects.

System summary

The World Energy Projection System Plus (WEPS+) is the energy modeling system used to produce the IEO2016. The complete WEPS+ system contains three main sections:

  • A database of historical energy data, at the appropriate level of detail.
  • Energy models that represent the various sector‐demand, ‐transformation and ‐supply projection activities.  
  • A run control system that keeps track of the data and models and executes the models.

Each of the models that compose WEPS+ has been separately documented, and each documentation report is available through the EIA web site.

WEPS+ is a modular system, consisting of a number of separate energy models joined together through the overall system model, which enables them to communicate and work with each other. These models are each developed independently but are designed with well‐defined guidelines or protocols for system communication and interactivity. One of the primary virtues of this WEPS+ system is that it allows model developers to independently develop and implement individual models without destabilizing the entire system. The individual models that make up this system are in various stages of development for the IEO2016; some are more improved from the previous year than others. These models range from basic dynamic simulations to complex stock/flow models using technology competition to determine market shares. The WEPS+ modeling system uses a common and shared database (the “restart” file) that allows all the models to communicate with each other when they are run in sequence over a number of iterations. The overall WEPS+ system uses an iterative solution technique that allows for convergence of consumption and price to a simultaneous equilibrium solution.

The overall WEPS+ system is complex, and it requires continuous development and maintenance work. The core WEPS+ models are designed to comprise a complete set of models that can simulate the complete international energy system, along with a greenhouse gas emissions and policy model. The system also includes models that perform preprocessing and post‐processing, including various final reporting programs.

Model archival citation

This documentation refers to the WEPS+ Overview,, as archived for the International Energy Outlook 2017 (IEO2017).

Model contact

Michael Cole 
U.S. Energy Information Administration
United States Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20585
Telephone: (202) 586-7209
E-mail: Michael.Cole@eia.gov

See full report