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Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS)

2001 RECS Survey Data 2020 | 2015 |2009 | 2005 | 2001 | 1997 | 1993 |

Consumption & Expenditure Tables

Total Energy Consumption in U.S. Households PDF (all tables)
Climate Zone PDF
Year of Construction A3 PDF
Household Income PDF
Type of Housing Unit PDF
Four Most Populated States PDF
Urban/Rural Location PDF
Northeast Census Region PDF
Midwest Census Region PDF
South Census Region PDF
West Census Region PDF
Expenditures PDF
Climate Zone PDF
Year of Construction A3 PDF
Household Income PDF
Type of Housing Unit PDF
Four Most Populated States PDF
Urban/Rural Location PDF
Northeast Census Region PDF
Midwest Census Region PDF
South Census Region PDF
West Census Region PDF
Consumption and Expenditures
Household Member and Demographics PDF
Square Feet and Household Demographics PDF
Household Member and Usage Indicators PDF
Square Feet and Usage Indicators PDF
Space Heating in U.S. Households PDF (all tables)
Consumption PDF
Climate Zone PDF
Year of Construction A3 PDF
Household Income PDF
Type of Housing Unit PDF
Four Most Populated States PDF
Urban/Rural Location PDF
Northeast Census Region PDF
Midwest Census Region PDF
South Census Region PDF
West Census Region PDF
Expenditures PDF
Climate Zone PDF
Year of Construction A3 PDF
Household Income PDF
Type of Housing Unit PDF
Four Most Populated States PDF
Urban/Rural Location PDF
Northeast Census Region PDF
Midwest Census Region PDF
South Census Region PDF
West Census Region PDF
Consumption and Expenditures
Household Member and Demographics PDF
Square Feet and Household Demographics PDF
Household Member and Usage Indicators PDF
Square Feet and Usage Indicators PDF
Air Conditioning in U.S. Households PDF (all tables)
Consumption PDF
Climate Zone PDF
Year of Construction A3 PDF
Household Income PDF
Type of Housing Unit PDF
Four Most Populated States PDF
Urban/Rural Location PDF
Northeast Census Region PDF
Midwest Census Region PDF
South Census Region PDF
West Census Region PDF
Expenditures PDF
Climate Zone PDF
Year of Construction A3 PDF
Household Income PDF
Type of Housing Unit PDF
Four Most Populated States PDF
Urban/Rural Location PDF
Northeast Census Region PDF
Midwest Census Region PDF
South Census Region PDF
West Census Region PDF
Consumption and Expenditures
Household Member and Demographics PDF
Square Feet and Household Demographics PDF
Household Member and Usage Indicators PDF
Square Feet and Usage Indicators PDF
Water Heating in U.S. Households PDF (all tables)
Consumption PDF
Climate Zone PDF
Year of Construction A3 PDF
Household Income PDF
Type of Housing Unit PDF
Four Most Populated States PDF
Urban/Rural Location PDF
Northeast Census Region PDF
Midwest Census Region PDF
South Census Region PDF
West Census Region PDF
Expenditures PDF
Climate Zone PDF
Year of Construction A3 PDF
Household Income PDF
Type of Housing Unit PDF
Four Most Populated States PDF
Urban/Rural Location PDF
Northeast Census Region PDF
Midwest Census Region PDF
South Census Region PDF
West Census Region PDF
Consumption and Expenditures
Household Member and Demographics PDF
Square Feet and Household Demographics PDF
Household Member and Usage Indicators PDF
Square Feet and Usage Indicators PDF
Appliances, in U.S. Households PDF (all tables)
Consumption PDF
Climate Zone PDF
Year of Construction A3 PDF
Household Income PDF
Type of Housing Unit PDF
Four Most Populated States PDF
Urban/Rural Location PDF
Northeast Census Region PDF
Midwest Census Region PDF
South Census Region PDF
West Census Region PDF
Expenditures PDF
Climate Zone PDF
Year of Construction A3 PDF
Household Income PDF
Type of Housing Unit PDF
Four Most Populated States PDF
Urban/Rural Location PDF
Northeast Census Region PDF
Midwest Census Region PDF
South Census Region PDF
West Census Region PDF
Consumption and Expenditures
Household Member and Demographics PDF
Square Feet and Household Demographics PDF
Household Member and Usage Indicators PDF
Square Feet and Usage Indicators PDF
Fuel Use, in U.S. Households  
Table 1. Natural Gas Consumption and Expenditures in U.S. Households by End Uses and Census Region PDF
Table 2. Fuel Oil Consumption and Expenditures in U.S. Households by End Uses and Census Region PDF
Table 3. Electricity Consumption and Expenditures in U.S. Households by End Uses and Census Region PDF
Table 4. LPG Consumption and Expenditures in U.S. Households by End Uses and Census Region PDF
Table 5. Kerosene Consumption and Expenditures in U.S. Households by End Uses and Census Region PDF

End-Use Consumption of Electricity 2001

Electricity is consumed for a wide variety of uses in the home. This web product presents a detailed account of the amount of electricity used to operate numerous appliances in 2001.

Similar analyses were conducted for the 1987, 1990, 1993, and 1997 RECS. Table 1 summarizes the results.

Table 1. Percent of Electricity Consumption by End Use
Survey Year
End Use
Space Heating
Water Heating
Total Appliances

Summary Results for 2001 RECS:

  • The largest use of electricity in the average U.S. household was for appliances (including refrigerators and lights), which consume approximately two thirds of all the electricity used in the residential sector (Figure 1, Table 2);
  • Air-conditioning accounted for an estimated 16 percent, space heating 10 percent, and water heating 9 percent;
  • No single appliance dominated the use of electricity. Refrigerators consumed the most electricity (14 percent of total electricity use for all purposes), followed by lighting (9 percent), clothes dryers (6 percent), freezers (3 percent), and color TV's (3 percent);
  • The many other electrical appliances are grouped together and their total consumption is shown as "All Others" (Figure 1). Included are some appliances, such as VCR's that typically are found in almost all homes but use small amounts of electricity, as well as appliances that use large amounts of electricity but are found in relatively few homes, such as swimming pool pumps;
  • "Residual" includes appliances for which RECS did not collect data (irons, hair dryers, electric blankets, power tools, and many more) and errors in the estimation procedure.
Table 2. Residential Consumption of Electricity by End Use, 2001
Annual Consumption
End Use/Appliance Households (millions) Units (million) kWh per unit kWh per household Total (billion kWh) Percent
Total Households 107.0 10,656 1,139.9 100.0
Refrigerators 106.8 126.0 1,239 1,462 156.1 13.7
  Central Air-Conditioners 57.5 2,796 160.6 14.1
  Room Air-Conditionersa 23.3 38.2 580 950 22.2 1.9
  Total 182.8 16.0
Space Heating  
  Main Space-Heating Systems 30.9 3,524 109.0 9.6
Secondary Space-Heating Equipmentb 12.9 503 6.5 0.6
  Total 115.5 10.1
Water Heating 40.8 2,552 104.1 9.1
Lighting (indoor and outdoor) 107.0 940f 100.5 8.8
Other Appliances (total of list below) 107.0 4,495 480.8 42.2
  Clothes Dryer 61.1 1,079 65.9 5.8
  Freezer 34.2 37.9 1, 039 1,150 39.3 3.5
  Furnace Fan 76.3 500g 38.2 3.3
  Dishwasher 56.7 512l 29.0 2.5
  Electric Range Topc 59.7 536g 32.0 2.8
  Electric Ovend 47.8 440g 21.0 1.8
  Microwave Oven 92.1 209g 19.3 1.7
  Electric Toaster Oven 36.1 50g 1.8 0.2
  Coffee Makerse 51.3 116g 6.0 0.5
  Color TV 105.8 242.6 137 313h 33.1 2.9
  Cable Boxes 24.4 120i 2.9 0.3
  Satellite Dish 13.9 130i 1.8 0.2
  Personal Computer (Desk Top) 54.2 65.8 262j 318 17.2 1.5
  Personal Computer (Lap Top) 14.2 16.6   77k 90 1.3 0.1
  Printer with Fax/copier 12.6 216g 2.7 0.2
  Printer without Fax/copier 40.2 45g 1.8 0.2
  Pool Filter/pump 6.5 1,500g 9.8 0.9
  Pool/Hot Tub/Spa Heater 3.3 2,300g 7.6 0.7
  Ceiling Fan 69.6 192.8 50g 138 9.6 0.8
  Clothes Washer f 84.1 120g,l 10.1 0.9
  Waterbed Heater 5.5 6.4 900g 1,035 5.7 0.5
  Well Water Pump 13.8 400g 5.5 0.5
  Dehumidifier 12.1 400g 4.8 0.4
  Evaporator Cooler 2.7 1,183g 3.2 0.3
  Compact Stereo System 36.5 81g 3.0 0.3
  Component Stereo System 36.3 55g 2.0 0.2
  Portable Stereo (Boom Box) 26.1 19g 0.5 0.0
  Other Stereo System 3.1 55g 0.2 0.0
  Large, Heated Aquarium 4.5 548g 2.5 0.2
  Answering Machine 65.7 35g 2.3 0.2
  Cordless Telephone 81.5 26g 2.1 0.2
  Rechargeable Tools 47.7 43g 2.1 0.2
  Humidifier 15.6 100g 1.6 0.1
  Automobile Block/Engine/Battery Heater 2.3 200g 0.5 0.0


83.1 7.3

  a2001 RECS reported 0.8 million households having both central air-conditioning and room/wall air-conditioners. These households were included in the count of 57.5 million households using central air-conditioning and they were excluded from the count of 23.3 million households with room/wall air-conditioners.
  bThe 2001 RECS reported 2.8 million households having both electric main space-heating and electric secondary space-heating equipment. These households were included in the count of 30.9 million households using electric main space-heating and they were excluded from the count of 12.9 million households with electric secondary space-heating.
  cHouseholds where most used range was electric and the household cooked more than one meal per week.
  dHouseholds where most used oven was electric and the household used oven more than once per week.
  eHouseholds that used the coffee maker more than once per week.
  f1993 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) does not cover halogen torchiere lamps.
  gEnergy Data Sourcebook for the U.S. Residential Sector, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1997.
  hEnergy Use of Televisions and Videocassette Recorders in the U.S., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1999;
  iVideo Networks: A Surprising Energy Drain, Home Energy Magazine Online May/June 1999;
  jElectricity Consumption by Small End Uses in Residential Buildings, Arthur D. Little, 1998;
  k2004 Annual Energy Outlook.
  lDoes not include energy used to heat water coming into the washer

  Notes: • "Residual" includes appliances not listed, such as irons, hair dryers, electric blankets, power tools, air cleaners, and a myriad of other small electrical appliances. • "Residual" also includes errors that may be present in estimates of annual consumption. • Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding. • This table does not reflect the interactive effects of appliance usage, especially when mixing the estimates from RECS with those from outside sources.
    Sources: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Forms EIA-457A-C, E, and H of the 1997 RECS; Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, 1993 and 2001 Residential Energy Consumption Surveys.

A regression-based procedure End-Use Estimation Methodology was used to estimate the amount of electricity used for the major end uses (air conditioning, space heating, water heating, refrigerators, clothes dryers and freezers). Results of the 1993 RECS special lighting supplement Residential Lighting Use and Potential Savings were used to estimate the average amount of electricity used for lighting. Data on the annual electricity consumption of other electrical appliances were obtained from outside sources.

The 2001 RECS estimates are air-conditioning 16 percent, space heating 10 percent, water heating 9 percent, and appliances 65 percent. Changes in the percentages reflect actual changes in the percentages, changes in the methodology used to estimate the amount of electricity used for the various end uses, and errors in the estimation procedure. An example where a change in methodology resulted in a large change is the estimated amount of electricity used for cooking. The 1997 end-use and appliance table used a regression-based estimate and an outside estimate of the amount of electricity used in microwave ovens. The 2001 end-use and appliance table did not use a regression estimate. It used outside estimates of the amount of electricity used in electricity ranges, electric ovens, microwave ovens, electric toaster ovens, and coffee makers.

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Consumption and efficiency data