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2024 was a year of notable accomplishments. Check out the highlights of EIA products and programs this year.

‹ Consumption & Efficiency

Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS)

2015 RECS Survey Data 2020 | 2015 |2009 | 2005 | 2001 | 1997 | 1993 |

Housing characteristics tables

Housing characteristics data were collected between August 2015 and April 2016.

Fuels used & end uses  
Preliminary release date: February 28, 2017
Final release date: May 31, 2018
ZIP (all tables)
by Housing unit type (HC1.1) XLSX
by Owner/renter status (HC1.2) XLSX
by Year of construction (HC1.3) XLSX
by Number of household members (HC1.4) XLSX
by Household income (HC1.5) XLSX
by Climate region (HC1.6) XLSX
in the Northeast and Midwest regions (HC1.7) XLSX
in the South and West regions (HC1.8) XLSX
in U.S. homes by home size (HC1.9) XLSX
Structural and geographic characteristics  
Preliminary release date: February 28, 2017
Final release date: May 31, 2018
ZIP (all tables)
by Housing unit type of (HC2.1) XLSX
by Owner-renter status (HC2.2.) XLSX
by Year of construction (HC2.3) XLSX
by Number of household members (HC2.4) XLSX
by Household income (HC2.5) XLSX
by Climate region (HC2.6)  XLSX
In the Northeast and Midwest regions (HC2.7) XLSX
In the South and West regions (HC2.8) XLSX
of U.S. homes by home size (HC2.9) XLSX
Preliminary release date: February 28, 2017
Final release date: May 31, 2018
ZIP (all tables)
by Housing unit type (HC3.1) XLSX
by Owner/renter status (HC3.2) XLSX
by Year of construction (HC3.3) XLSX
by Number of household members (HC3.4) XLSX
by Household income (HC3.5) XLSX
by Climate region (HC3.6) XLSX
in the Northeast and Midwest regions (HC3.7) XLSX
in the South and West regions (HC3.8) XLSX
of U.S. homes by home size (HC3.9) XLSX
Preliminary release date: February 28, 2017
Final release date: May 31, 2018
ZIP (all tables)
by Housing unit type (HC4.1) XLSX
by Owner/renter status (HC4.2) XLSX
by Year of construction (HC4.3) XLSX
by Number of household members (HC4.4) XLSX
by Household income (HC4.5) XLSX
by Climate region (HC4.6) XLSX
In the Northeast and Midwest regions (HC4.7) XLSX
In the South and West regions (HC4.8) XLSX
of U.S. homes by home size (HC4.9) XLSX
Preliminary release date: February 28, 2017
Final release date: May 31, 2018
ZIP (all tables)
by Housing unit type (HC5.1) XLSX
by Owner/renter status (HC5.2) XLSX
by Year of construction (HC5.3) XLSX
by Number of household members (HC5.4) XLSX
by Household income (HC5.5) XLSX
by Climate region (HC5.6) XLSX
In the Northeast and Midwest regions (HC5.7) XLSX
in the South and West regions (HC5.8) XLSX
of U.S. homes by home size (HC5.9) XLSX
Space heating  
Preliminary release date: February 28, 2017
Final release date: May 31, 2018
ZIP (all tables)
by Housing unit type (HC6.1) XLSX
by Owner/renter status (HC6.2) XLSX
by Year of construction (HC6.3) XLSX
by Number of household members (HC6.4) XLSX
by Household income (HC6.5) XLSX
by Climate region (HC6.6) XLSX
in the Northeast and Midwest regions (HC6.7) XLSX
in the South and West regions (HC6.8) XLSX
of U.S. homes by home size (HC6.9) XLSX
Air conditioning  
Preliminary release date: February 28, 2017
Final release date: May 31, 2018
ZIP (all tables)
by Housing unit type (HC7.1) XLSX
by Owner/renter status (HC7.2) XLSX
by Year of construction (HC7.3) XLSX
by Number of household members (HC7.4) XLSX
by Household income (HC7.5) XLSX
by Climate region (HC7.6) XLSX
in the Northeast and Midwest regions (HC7.7) XLSX
in the South and West regions (HC7.8) XLSX
of U.S. homes by home size (HC7.9) XLSX
Water heating
Preliminary release date: February 28, 2017
Final release date: May 31, 2018
ZIP (all tables)
by Housing unit type (HC8.1) XLSX
by Owner/renter status (HC8.2) XLSX
by Year of construction (HC8.3) XLSX
by Number of household members (HC8.4) XLSX
by Household income (HC8.5) XLSX
by Climate region (HC8.6) XLSX
in the Northeast and Midwest regions (HC8.7) XLSX
in the South and West regions (HC8.8) XLSX
of U.S. homes by home size (HC8.9) XLSX
Household demographics
Preliminary release date: February 28, 2017
Final release date: May 31, 2018
ZIP (all tables)
by Housing unit type (HC9.1) XLSX
by Owner/renter status(HC9.2) XLSX
by Year of construction (HC9.3) XLSX
by Number of household members (HC9.4) XLSX
by Household income (HC9.5) XLSX
by Climate region (HC9.6) XLSX
in the Northeast and Midwest regions (HC9.7) XLSX
in the South and West regions (HC9.8) XLSX
of U.S. homes by home size (HC9.9) XLSX
Square footage (housing unit size)
Preliminary release date: October 31, 2017
Final release date: May 31, 2018

Total square footage (includes percents tab)
ZIP (all tables)
Total square footage of U.S. homes (HC10.1) XLSX
Total square footage of Northeast homes (HC10.2) XLSX
Total square footage of Midwest homes (HC10.3) XLSX
Total square footage of South homes (HC10.4) XLSX
Total square footage of West homes (HC10.5)  XLS
Total square footage of single-family homes (HC10.6) XLSX
Total square footage of apartment units (HC10.7) XLSX
Total square footage of mobile homes (HC10.8) XLSX
Average square footage
Average square footage of U.S. homes (HC10.9) XLSX
Average square footage of Northeast homes (HC10.10) XLSX
Average square footage of Midwest homes (HC10.11) XLSX
Average square footage of South homes (HC10.12) XLSX
Average square footage of West homes (HC10.13) XLSX
Average square footage of single-family homes (HC10.14) XLSX
Average square footage of apartment units (HC10.15) XLSX
Average square footage of mobile homes (HC10.16) XLSX
Household energy insecurity
Preliminary release date: October 31, 2017
Final release date: May 31, 2018
Household energy insecurity (HC11.1) XLSX

Specific questions on this product may be directed to:

Consumption and efficiency data