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AGA Producing Region Natural Gas in Underground Storage (Working Gas)  (Million Cubic Feet)
AGA Producing Region Natural Gas in Underground Storage (Working Gas) (Million Cubic Feet)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  1994 393,598 297,240 289,617 356,360 461,202 516,155 604,504 678,168 747,928 783,414 775,741 673,670
  1995 549,759 455,591 416,294 457,969 533,496 599,582 638,359 634,297 713,319 766,411 700,456 552,458
  1996 369,545 263,652 195,447 224,002 279,731 339,263 391,961 474,402 578,991 638,500 562,097 466,366
  1997 314,140 248,911 297,362 326,566 401,514 471,824 478,925 532,982 617,733 705,879 642,254 494,485
  1998 391,395 384,696 362,717 457,545 550,232 610,363 684,086 748,042 784,567 893,181 888,358 768,239
  1999 611,978 585,458 530,610 568,307 653,498 728,071 744,307 750,460 826,493 858,836 849,011 718,513
  2000 521,630 394,962 380,599 393,416 420,385 477,918 515,613 520,526 591,860 667,047 603,748 382,637
  2001 324,922 254,522 233,826 334,065 452,428 583,340 668,757 731,916 836,028 872,858 921,406 869,867
  2002 739,155 613,048 551,959 610,941 720,479 786,575 791,437 807,910 861,565 868,636 788,943 661,848
  2003 428,734 238,826 233,802 295,693 400,743 532,356 604,043 665,097 790,050 872,737 864,326 750,446
  2004 555,459 368,119 400,325 477,622 571,186 660,572 735,092 807,351 861,312 943,435 943,643 783,203
  2005 606,953 532,706 493,170 568,960 654,197 710,117 730,629 741,146 779,677 856,685 887,401 748,362
  2006 719,628 621,203 624,430 710,923 789,962 849,856 848,486 853,463 970,181 1,020,458 1,013,035 952,614
  2007 769,419 594,934 646,620 696,556 811,474 898,491 943,788 902,656 978,869 1,068,297 1,041,334 908,982
  2008 660,687 524,079 515,923 549,459 660,142 711,120 745,447 790,642 842,646 931,942 970,706 901,110
  2009 753,308 706,547 737,434 827,978 947,331 1,011,199 1,074,304 1,101,842 1,167,935 1,197,225 1,228,916 1,013,046
  2010 758,815 562,103 621,924 770,722 893,823 961,108 985,912 973,234 1,098,996 1,240,380 1,258,617 1,081,510
  2011 852,463 696,368 734,222 824,044 949,358 992,702 983,070 967,427 1,070,553 1,229,733 1,261,163 1,193,143
  2012 1,083,080 964,839 1,033,696 1,049,818 1,093,203 1,127,487 1,122,959 1,122,624 1,201,645 1,279,926 1,270,859 1,177,858
  2013 989,094 814,514 701,343 750,674 883,251 973,266 1,043,631 1,080,908 1,173,305 1,262,429 1,206,008 1,023,435
  2014 696,672 475,780 358,140 447,741 583,169 690,920 780,084 829,824 952,459 1,116,521 1,110,529 1,070,509

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 2/28/2025
Next Release Date: 3/31/2025

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