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Refinery Net Production
Area: Period-Unit:
 Show Data By:
Product Area
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 View
1,232,832 1,183,137 1,083,094 1,095,566 1,233,503 1,249,359 2005-2023
Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids
79,439 73,523 80,520 83,830 88,499 86,368 2008-2023
Natural Gas Liquids
37,641 33,559 43,620 42,797 46,710 49,478 2010-2023
1,645 1,505 1,927 1,085 1,725 1,741 2005-2023
27,679 27,043 27,459 27,825 29,136 29,516 2005-2023
Normal Butane
13,589 12,003 19,275 17,445 19,750 22,198 2005-2023
-5,272 -6,992 -5,041 -3,558 -3,901 -3,977 2005-2023
Refinery Olefins
41,798 39,964 36,900 41,033 41,789 36,890 2010-2023
7   78 69 102 264 2005-2023
42,251 41,122 40,303 43,418 43,662 39,967 2005-2023
Normal Butylene
-95 -739 -3,125 -1,911 -1,724 -3,342 2005-2023
-365 -419 -356 -543 -251 1 2005-2023
Liquefied Refinery Gases
79,439 73,523 80,520 83,830 -- -- 2005-2023
1,652 1,505 2,005 1,154 -- -- 2005-2023
69,930 68,165 67,762 71,243 -- -- 2005-2023
Normal Butane/Butylene
13,494 11,264 16,150 15,534 -- -- 2005-2023
-5,637 -7,411 -5,397 -4,101 -- -- 2005-2023
Finished Motor Gasoline
143,179 154,412 131,965 145,340 163,687 165,338 2005-2023
143,179 154,412 131,965 145,340 163,687 165,338 2005-2023
Conventional Blended w/ Fuel Ethanol
5,784 5,781 5,305 5,839 5,297 5,202 2005-2023
Ed55 and Lower
5,784 5,781 5,305 5,839 5,297 5,202 2010-2023
137,395 148,631 126,660 139,501 158,390 160,136 2005-2023
Finished Aviation Gasoline
1,039 1,213 928 925 1,227 988 2005-2023
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
174,678 169,797 104,856 120,931 164,348 179,427 2005-2023
160,922 153,943 89,832 107,950 155,209 173,461 1993-2023
13,756 15,854 15,024 12,981 9,139 5,966 1993-2023
151 567 1,661 907 2,236 2,999 2005-2023
Distillate Fuel Oil
523,466 501,059 499,119 483,744 541,331 538,693 2005-2023
15 ppm Sulfur and under
497,841 473,187 483,968 469,657 522,074 526,056 2005-2023
Greater than 15 ppm to 500 ppm Sulfur
3,217 3,813 6,323 2,911 3,129 5,173 2005-2023
Greater than 500 ppm Sulfur
22,408 24,059 8,828 11,176 16,128 7,464 2005-2023
Residual Fuel Oil
22,681 15,653 3,174 6,149 16,718 24,885 2005-2023
Less Than 0.31 Percent Sulfur
298 285         2005-2019
0.31 to 1.00 Percent Sulfur
1,703 860 3,076 4,038 10,494 8,022 2005-2023
Greater Than 1.00 Percent Sulfur
20,680 14,508 98 2,111 6,224 16,863 2005-2023
Petrochemical Feedstocks
67,623 61,914 60,177 56,267 42,519 38,847 2005-2023
Naphtha For Petrochemical Feedstock Use
48,680 41,843 40,650 37,477 24,805 25,034 2005-2023
Other Oils For Petrochemical Feedstock Use
18,943 20,071 19,527 18,790 17,714 13,813 2005-2023
Special Naphthas
8,252 7,724 7,841 7,807 8,594 7,356 2005-2023
21,652 18,442 17,756 18,838 17,943 18,458 2005-2023
597 533 58 -1     1993-2021
21,055 17,909 17,698 18,839 17,943 18,458 1993-2023
546 468 441 566 622 471 2005-2023
Petroleum Coke
102,374 95,385 91,537 85,782 95,863 98,369 2005-2023
78,705 72,001 71,164 65,447 74,303 77,512 2005-2023
23,669 23,384 20,373 20,335 21,560 20,857 2005-2023
Asphalt and Road Oil
5,006 5,724 4,778 3,991 3,710 4,541 2005-2023
Still Gas
70,761 66,351 68,164 70,203 74,339 70,789 2005-2023
Miscellaneous Products
11,985 10,905 10,177 10,286 11,867 11,830 2005-2023
Fuel Use
Nonfuel Use
11,985 10,905 10,177 10,286 11,867 11,830 2005-2023
Processing Gain(-) or Loss(+)
-123,245 -118,448 -101,582 -92,850 -121,328 -119,696 2005-2023
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes:   See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025