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Refinery Net Production
Area: Period-Unit:
 Show Data By:
Product Area
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 View
579,204 449,776 481,189 499,973 500,502 494,684 2005-2024
Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids
15,960 10,449 14,881 15,218 14,433 13,798 2008-2024
Natural Gas Liquids
14,859 8,835 12,885 13,546 12,496 11,674 2010-2024
12,474 10,901 11,692 11,349 10,642 11,570 2005-2024
Normal Butane
1,030 -2,683 173 1,427 894 -505 2005-2024
1,355 617 1,020 770 960 609 2005-2024
Refinery Olefins
1,101 1,614 1,996 1,672 1,937 2,124 2010-2024
1,835 1,720 2,106 1,929 2,214 2,442 2005-2024
Normal Butylene
-734 -106 -110 -257 -277 -318 2005-2024
Liquefied Refinery Gases
15,960 10,449 14,881 -- -- -- 2005-2024
14,309 12,621 13,798 -- -- -- 2005-2024
Normal Butane/Butylene
296 -2,789 63 -- -- -- 2005-2024
1,355 617 1,020 -- -- -- 2005-2024
Finished Motor Gasoline
32,811 30,196 30,105 28,445 31,933 31,520 2005-2024
6,854 6,245 7,224 7,465 7,512 6,530 2005-2024
Reformulated Blended w/ Fuel Ethanol
6,854 6,245 7,224 7,465 7,512 6,530 2005-2024
25,957 23,951 22,881 20,980 24,421 24,990 2005-2024
Conventional Blended w/ Fuel Ethanol
3,930 3,799 5,475 7,870 8,281 8,381 2008-2024
Ed55 and Lower
3,930 3,799 5,475 7,870 8,281 8,381 2010-2024
22,027 20,152 17,406 13,110 16,140 16,609 2005-2024
Finished Aviation Gasoline
385 512 421 386 322 392 2005-2024
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
165,119 94,906 121,430 147,517 158,273 163,527 2005-2024
159,348 89,390 116,635 142,764 151,868 158,352 1993-2024
5,771 5,516 4,795 4,753 6,405 5,175 1993-2024
4 -1 6 10 8 9 2005-2024
Distillate Fuel Oil
206,579 189,797 180,988 171,655 161,589 152,099 2005-2024
15 ppm Sulfur and under
197,116 180,943 172,983 162,377 152,728 143,563 2005-2024
Greater than 15 ppm to 500 ppm Sulfur
3,657 3,282 4,319 3,714 3,823 4,063 2005-2024
Greater than 500 ppm Sulfur
5,806 5,572 3,686 5,564 5,038 4,473 2005-2024
Residual Fuel Oil
41,041 23,896 27,870 29,267 27,813 31,161 2005-2024
Less Than 0.31 Percent Sulfur
  441 635 529 578 723 2005-2024
0.31 to 1.00 Percent Sulfur
3,584 6,045 6,908 8,064 7,949 8,123 2005-2024
Greater Than 1.00 Percent Sulfur
37,457 17,410 20,327 20,674 19,286 22,315 2005-2024
Petrochemical Feedstocks
24 2     984 998 2005-2024
Naphtha For Petrochemical Feedstock Use
24 2         2005-2020
Other Oils For Petrochemical Feedstock Use
        984 998 2005-2024
Special Naphthas
347 388 398 351 280 309 2005-2024
6,089 5,401 6,399 4,136 3,913 4,960 2005-2024
950 945 1,222 1,098 809 1,021 1993-2024
5,139 4,456 5,177 3,038 3,104 3,939 1993-2024
Petroleum Coke
54,489 44,468 44,876 46,122 44,816 41,287 2005-2024
42,282 34,088 34,441 35,456 34,318 30,895 2005-2024
12,207 10,380 10,435 10,666 10,498 10,392 2005-2024
Asphalt and Road Oil
9,552 9,037 9,496 9,700 9,413 9,691 2005-2024
Still Gas
41,858 36,384 40,126 42,539 42,186 40,669 2005-2024
Miscellaneous Products
4,946 4,341 4,193 4,627 4,539 4,264 2005-2024
Fuel Use
632 724 718 671 689 729 2005-2024
Nonfuel Use
4,314 3,617 3,475 3,956 3,850 3,535 2005-2024
Processing Gain(-) or Loss(+)
-65,211 -53,519 -58,703 -59,893 -57,150 -53,138 2005-2024
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes:   See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 2/28/2025
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025