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U.S. Movements of Crude Oil By Rail

With Data through April 2024  |  Release Date: June 28, 2024  |  Next Release Date: July 31, 2024

Crude oil movements by rail, April 2024
thousand barrels/day
Shipments PADD 1 PADD 2 PADD 3 PADD 4 PADD 5 United States Canada
PADD 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PADD 2 10 0 0 0 118 128 0
PADD 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PADD 4 0 0 113 0 0 113 0
PADD 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
United States 10 0 113 0 118 240 0
Canada 13 0 46 0 0 59 NA
Total 23 0 159 0 118 300 NA
NA = data not available
PADD = Petroleum Administration for Defense District
Notes: Includes movements to and from Canada. A zero may indicate volume of less than 0.5 thousand barrels per day.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates based on analysis of data from the Surface Transportation Board and others.
Crude oil movements by rail, April 2024
thousand barrels
Shipments PADD 1 PADD 2 PADD 3 PADD 4 PADD 5 United States Canada
PADD 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PADD 2 299 0 0 0 3,529 3,828 0
PADD 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PADD 4 0 0 3,382 0 0 3,382 0
PADD 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
United States 299 0 3,382 0 3,529 7,210 0
Canada 398 0 1,378 0 0 1,777 NA
Total 697 0 4,760 0 3,529 8,986 NA
NA = data not available
PADD = Petroleum Administration for Defense District
Notes: Includes movements to and from Canada. A zero may indicate volume of less than 0.5 thousand barrels.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates based on analysis of data from the Surface Transportation Board and others.
PADD region:
PADD 1 - Crude oil movements by rail, April 2024
thousand barrels/day
Receipts from April 2024 month ago year ago   Shipments to April 2024 month ago year ago
PADD 1 0 0 0   PADD 1 0 0 0
PADD 2 10 23 24   PADD 2 0 0 0
PADD 3 0 0 0   PADD 3 0 0 0
PADD 4 0 0 0   PADD 4 0 0 0
PADD 5 0 0 0   PADD 5 0 0 0
United States 10 23 24   United States 0 0 0
Canada 13 9 0   Canada 0 0 0
PADD = Petroleum Administration for Defense District
Note: A zero may indicate volume of less than 0.5 thousand barrels per day.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates based on analysis of data from the Surface Transportation Board and others.
PADD 2 - Crude oil movements by rail, April 2024
thousand barrels/day
Receipts from April 2024 month ago year ago   Shipments to April 2024 month ago year ago
PADD 1 0 0 0   PADD 1 10 23 24
PADD 2 0 0 0   PADD 2 0 0 0
PADD 3 0 0 0   PADD 3 0 0 0
PADD 4 0 5 0   PADD 4 0 0 0
PADD 5 0 0 0   PADD 5 118 86 126
United States 0 5 0   United States 128 109 149
Canada 0 0 0   Canada 0 0 0
PADD = Petroleum Administration for Defense District
Note: A zero may indicate volume of less than 0.5 thousand barrels per day.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates based on analysis of data from the Surface Transportation Board and others.
PADD 3 - Crude oil movements by rail, April 2024
thousand barrels/day
Receipts from April 2024 month ago year ago   Shipments to April 2024 month ago year ago
PADD 1 0 0 0   PADD 1 0 0 0
PADD 2 0 0 0   PADD 2 0 0 0
PADD 3 0 0 1   PADD 3 0 0 1
PADD 4 113 76 23   PADD 4 0 0 0
PADD 5 0 0 0   PADD 5 0 0 0
United States 113 76 24   United States 0 0 1
Canada 46 68 58   Canada 0 0 0
PADD = Petroleum Administration for Defense District
Note: A zero may indicate volume of less than 0.5 thousand barrels per day.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates based on analysis of data from the Surface Transportation Board and others.
PADD 4 - Crude oil movements by rail, April 2024
thousand barrels/day
Receipts from April 2024 month ago year ago   Shipments to April 2024 month ago year ago
PADD 1 0 0 0   PADD 1 0 0 0
PADD 2 0 0 0   PADD 2 0 5 0
PADD 3 0 0 0   PADD 3 113 76 23
PADD 4 0 1 0   PADD 4 0 1 0
PADD 5 0 0 0   PADD 5 0 0 0
United States 0 1 0   United States 113 81 23
Canada 0 0 0   Canada 0 0 0
PADD = Petroleum Administration for Defense District
Note: A zero may indicate volume of less than 0.5 thousand barrels per day.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates based on analysis of data from the Surface Transportation Board and others.
PADD 5 - Crude oil movements by rail, April 2024
thousand barrels/day
Receipts from April 2024 month ago year ago   Shipments to April 2024 month ago year ago
PADD 1 0 0 0   PADD 1 0 0 0
PADD 2 118 86 126   PADD 2 0 0 0
PADD 3 0 0 0   PADD 3 0 0 0
PADD 4 0 0 0   PADD 4 0 0 0
PADD 5 0 0 0   PADD 5 0 0 0
United States 118 86 126   United States 0 0 0
Canada 0 4 13   Canada 0 0 0
PADD = Petroleum Administration for Defense District
Note: A zero may indicate volume of less than 0.5 thousand barrels per day.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates based on analysis of data from the Surface Transportation Board and others.

Data Tables (monthly)


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