Release date Week ending TWIP weekly data
September 25 20 Supply data are as of September 20, 2024; retail prices are as of September 23, 2024.
18 13 Supply data are as of September 13, 2024; retail prices are as of September 16, 2024.
11 6 Supply data are as of September 6, 2024; retail prices are as of September 9, 2024.
5 8/30 Supply data are as of August 30, 2024; retail prices are as of September 2, 2024.
August 28 23 Supply data are as of August 23, 2024; retail prices are as of August 26, 2024.
21 16 Supply data are as of August 16, 2024; retail prices are as of August 19, 2024.
14 9 Supply data are as of August 9, 2024; retail prices are as of August 12, 2024.
7 2 Supply data are as of August 2, 2024; retail prices are as of August 5, 2024.
July 31 26 Supply data are as of July 26, 2024; retail prices are as of July 29, 2024.
24 19 Supply data are as of July 19, 2024; retail prices are as of July 22, 2024.
17 12 Supply data are as of July 12, 2024; retail prices are as of July 15, 2024.
10 5 Supply data are as of July 5, 2024; retail prices are as of July 8, 2024.
3 6/28 Supply data are as of June 28, 2024; retail prices are as of July 1, 2024.
June 26 21 Supply data are as of June 21, 2024; retail prices are as of June 24, 2024.
20 14 Supply data are as of June 14, 2024; retail prices are as of June 17, 2024.
12 7 Supply data are as of June 7, 2024; retail prices are as of June 10, 2024.
5 5/31 Supply data are as of May 31, 2024; retail prices are as of June 3, 2024.
May 30 24 Supply data are as of May 24, 2024; retail prices are as of May 27, 2024.
22 17 Supply data are as of May 17, 2024; retail prices are as of May 20, 2024.
15 10 Supply data are as of May 10, 2024; retail prices are as of May 13, 2024.
8 3 Supply data are as of May 3, 2024; retail prices are as of May 6, 2024.
1 4/26 Supply data are as of April 26, 2024; retail prices are as of April 29, 2024.
April 24 19 Supply data are as of April 19, 2024; retail prices are as of April 22, 2024.
17 12 Supply data are as of April 12, 2024; retail prices are as of April 15, 2024.
10 5 Supply data are as of April 5, 2024; retail prices are as of April 8, 2024.
3 3/29 Supply data are as of March 29, 2024; retail prices are as of April 1, 2024.
March 27 22 Supply data are as of March 22, 2024; retail prices are as of March 25, 2024.
20 15 Supply data are as of March 15, 2024; retail prices are as of March 18, 2024.
13 8 Supply data are as of March 8, 2024; retail prices are as of March 11, 2024.
6 1 Supply data are as of March 1, 2024; retail prices are as of March 4, 2024.
February 28 23 Supply data are as of February 23, 2024; retail prices are as of February 26, 2024.
22 16 Supply data are as of February 16, 2024; retail prices are as of February 19, 2024.
14 9 Supply data are as of February 9, 2024; retail prices are as of February 12, 2024.
7 2 Supply data are as of February 2, 2024; retail prices are as of February 5, 2024.
January 31 26 Supply data are as of January 26, 2024; retail prices are as of January 29, 2024
24 19 Supply data are as of January 19, 2024; retail prices are as of January 22, 2024
18 12 Supply data are as of January 12, 2024; retail prices are as of January 15, 2024
10 5 Supply data are as of January 5, 2024; retail prices are as of January 8, 2024
4 12/29 We are excited to announce changes to Today in Energy (TIE)
  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 28 22 We are excited to announce changes to Today in Energy (TIE)
20 15 We are excited to announce changes to Today in Energy (TIE)
13 8 Low diesel inventories and high cracks spreads should attract global diesel to Europe
6 1 Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion may come on line early next year
November 29 24 Falling petroleum consumption prompts Japanese refinery closures
22 17 U.S. gasoline prices decline this fall amid lower gasoline demand and falling crude oil prices
15 10 Permian wells continue to be among the nation’s most productive
8 NA Biomass-based diesel and ethanol RIN prices decline to lowest in about three years
1 10/27 Citgo auction process begins following changes in US sanctions policy to Venezuela
October 25 20 Increased waterborne oil shipments from the U.S. Gulf Coast to Florida reflect shifting population
18 13 Global gasoline crack spreads fall amid lower U.S. demand and the switch to winter-grade fuel
12 6 Household expenditures on heating oil expected to rise, but expenditures on propane expected to fall
4 9/29 Publicly traded U.S. oil companies increase investing activities and crude oil production
September 27 22 Shipping rates reach record highs as historic drought at the Panama Canal causes delays
20 15 U.S. petroleum products exports set new record in the first half of 2023
13 8 Permian Region operators are drilling shorter wells, decreasing effects of higher input costs
7 1 Production cuts drive sour crude price increases
August 30 25 U.S. gasoline prices are on the rise heading into Labor Day
23 18 Refinery outages amid lower capacity increase U.S. gasoline crack spreads
16 11 Refiners in China increase crude oil processing and imports in the first half of 2023
9 4 Higher well productivity and crude oil prices drive U.S. crude oil production forecast
2 7/28 Midwest distillate inventories rise due to increased refining activity and logistics constraints
July 26 21 Capital expenditures by publicly traded U.S. oil companies approached 2019 levels earlier this year, but falling rig counts suggest activity could decline
19 14 High agricultural feedstock costs offset declines in RIN prices
12 7 EIA forecasts crude oil price increase in 2024
6 6/30 Refinery capacity increased for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic
June 28 23 Rising gasoline imports into the East Coast contribute to rising gasoline inventories
22 16 Public company oil and natural gas proved reserves declined in 2022 after some companies left Russia
14 9 Biofuels are displacing petroleum-based distillate fuel oil consumption on the West Coast
7 2 U.S. distillate crack spreads return to February 2022 levels for the first time since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine
1 5/26 U.S. ethane consumption and exports continue to grow
May 24 19 U.S. gasoline prices are down from 2022 prices heading into Memorial Day weekend
17 12 EIA revises estimate of drilled and completed wells in the Permian region
10 5 Crude oil prices revised down in the May Short-Term Energy Outlook
3 4/28 U.S. propane consumption last winter was the lowest since at least 2010
April 26 21 U.S. oil producers maintain shareholder distributions as cost inflation remains an issue
19 14 Beaumont refinery expansion boosts Gulf Coast refining capacity
12 7 EIA forecasts consumer expenditures on gasoline in 2023 to be lower than 2022
5 3/31 Brent crude oil price basket now includes U.S. crude oil
March 29 24 Warm weather and reduced consumption lowered our heating fuel expenditure forecast
22 17 EIA completes study on rising crude oil adjustment, with two upcoming changes to reduce it
15 10 U.S. crude oil exports increased to a new record of 3.6 million barrels per day in 2022
8 3 U.S. exports of petroleum products set a new record in 2022
1 2/24 Diesel prices in Europe may be volatile as markets adjust to import ban
February 23 17 Open interest in futures and options markets increase as traders try to anticipate improvement in the economy
15 10 U.S. renewable diesel production surpassed biodiesel production in November 2022 and we forecast that it will grow
8 3 Colorado refinery outage is leading to higher gasoline prices in Rocky Mountain region
1 1/27 Domestic policy and geopolitical developments affected China’s refinery activity and trade in 2022
January 25 20 Residential heating oil prices fall while propane prices remain flat
19 13 Refinery utilization drops due to cold weather but will remain high in 2023 and 2024
11 6 U.S. crude oil production forecast to reach record highs
5 12/30 Crude oil and petroleum product prices fell in the second half of 2022 from multi-year highs
  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 29 23 Happy Holidays
21 16 This Week in Petroleum: Best of 2022
14 9 Increased cash from operations helped U.S. oil producers improve their financial standing beyond pre-pandemic levels
7 2 Tanker rates reach multiyear highs
November 30 25 Less U.S. jet fuel consumption so far in 2022 than in 2019
23 18 Real gasoline prices this Thanksgiving relatively unchanged from 2021
16 11 Fuel ethanol blend rates reach record-high summer levels in 2022
9 4 Heating oil prices have increased while propane prices have stayed flat amid warm start to winter
2 10/28 Rapid increases in diesel prices reflect low inventories going into winter demand season
October 26 21 Recent West Coast gasoline and diesel prices show significant volatility
19 14 Few drilled but uncompleted wells and limited natural gas takeaway capacity may limit crude oil production growth
13 7 Households heated primarily with heating oil or propane will likely pay more this winter
5 9/30 U.S. publicly traded oil companies increased shareholder returns and reduced debt as private oil companies lead production growth
September 28 23 Florida’s gasoline supplies mostly come via ship from Gulf Coast refineries
21 16 China increases crude oil imports from Russia despite less refinery activity
14 9 U.S. exports of petroleum products reached their highest average in first-half 2022 as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shifts trading patterns
8 2 EIA forecasts gasoline inventories on the East Coast to build and U.S. distillate inventories to remain mostly flat through 2023
August 31 26 Retail gasoline prices ahead of Labor Day are the highest since 2014
24 19 OPEC oil export revenues will increase in 2022, but are forecast to drop in 2023
17 12 Declining open interest in crude oil futures and options driven by commercial and non-commercial traders
10 5 Shifting trade patterns contribute to widening crude oil price spreads
3 7/29 Higher prices in 2022 result in increased estimates of economically recoverable oil resources in the Eagle Ford formation
July 27 22 U.S. propane prices have declined from multiyear highs, while inventories remain below average
20 15 New refineries will increase global refining capacity in 2022 and 2023
13 8 U.S. oil producers increase shareholder returns amid operational costs increase
7 1 U.S. gasoline consumption fell below the 2021 average during the second quarter
June 29 24 Agricultural trends and renewable fuels targets drive ethanol and biomass-based diesel prices
23 NA U.S. refinery capacity decreased for second consecutive year
15 10 Petroleum product movement from the Gulf Coast to the East Coast remains robust while exports reach record highs
8 3 EIA forecasts non-OPEC countries other than the United States and Russia to add 0.9 million b/d of liquid fuels supply in 2022 and 0.8 million b/d in 2023
2 5/27 International oil and natural gas companies reported increased cash flow and higher proved reserves in 2021
May 25 20 Memorial Day gasoline prices highest since 2012, near record levels
18 13 Tanker rates increase as a result of geopolitical instability and bunker fuel costs
11 6 High crack spreads to drive elevated U.S. refinery utilization through the summer
4 4/29 East Coast jet fuel prices decline from record highs but remain higher than other hubs
April 27 22 U.S. oil producers may be facing supply chain issues as they increase capital expenditure
20 15 China processed record amounts of crude oil in 2021 but exported less gasoline and diesel
13 8 Summer 2022 U.S. gasoline consumption expected to increase but remain below 2019 pre-pandemic levels
6 1 Changes in prime supplier sales of motor gasoline since 2020 differ significantly by state
March 30 25 Small reduction in net U.S. petroleum product exports during 2021 driven by distillate and gasoline
23 18 U.S. ethane consumption growth to outpace growth in all other petroleum products through 2023
16 11 Retail gasoline and diesel prices increase significantly following Russia’s further invasion of Ukraine
9 4 Crude oil prices forecast to average more than $100 per barrel in 2022
2 2/25 Recent export data show differences between our weekly and monthly estimates
February 24 18 Low inventories and high demand boost global distillate crack spreads
16 11 EIA now forecasts supply and consumption for biodiesel, renewable diesel, and other biofuels
9 4 U.S. crude oil production forecast to rise in 2022 and 2023, surpassing previous record
2 1/28 Demand for residual fuel oil in the United States increased in late 2021, yet domestic production remains low
January 26 21 Warm weather in the first half of winter led to lower U.S. propane prices and slower inventory draws
20 14 OPEC production will grow in 2022 despite recent unplanned oil production outages in Libya
12 7 EIA forecasts crude oil prices will decline through 2023
5 12/31 Crude oil and gasoline prices increased in 2021 as demand growth outpaced supply growth
  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 29 24 U.S. average regular gasoline and diesel prices decrease
22 17 This Week in Petroleum: Best of 2021
15 10 Capital expenditure by U.S. oil companies remains low despite higher crude oil prices
8 3 EIA lowers crude oil price forecast
1 11/26 Low inventories and higher demand contribute to jet fuel crack spread increase
November 24 19 With rising demand, U.S. average gasoline prices this Thanksgiving are the highest since 2012
17 12 Increased OPEC production and global natural gas prices are likely widening crude oil price spreads
10 5 EIA forecasts inventory increases and falling crude oil prices in 2022
3 10/29 Crude oil producers and money managers recently increased financial exposure to crude oil prices
October 27 22 Petroleum product demand returns faster than supply, drawing inventories and supporting prices
20 15 Additional pipeline capacity from Canada to the United States could displace some crude oil by rail
14 8 Heating fuel expenditures expected to increase from last year
6 1 U.S. gasoline exports in May, June, and July established new seasonal records
September 29 24 New June tax policy in China affects petroleum product trade in Asia
22 17 Natural gas revenue made up an increasing share of total revenue for some U.S. oil producers
15 10 High international demand and lower global supply contribute to rising propane prices
9 3 Hurricane Ida disruptions limit crude oil production and refining activity
1 8/27 Pre-Labor Day retail gasoline prices are the highest since 2014
August 25 20 Number of drilled but uncompleted wells declines
18 13 New Middle East crude oil futures contract began trading in March
11 6 OPEC petroleum production forecast revised down for 2021
4 7/30 Low gasoline inventories and reduced refinery capacity raise U.S. retail gasoline prices in the West
July 28 23 Increasing Midwest and Gulf Coast refinery production contributes to high jet fuel inventories
21 16 U.S. renewable diesel capacity expected to increase significantly through 2024
14 9 Despite narrowing Brent–WTI spread and lower production, U.S. crude oil exports remain high
8 2 Brent crude oil price forecast to average $72 per barrel in the second half of 2021
June 30 25 Refinery closures contribute to decreased U.S. refinery capacity during 2020
23 18 U.S. distillate demand returned to 2019 levels earlier than gasoline and jet fuel demand
16 11 U.S. exports of ethane and associated petrochemicals grow, reach new markets
9 4 Recent forecast limits crude oil price increases because of growing global production
3 5/28 Supply disruptions and increasing demand boosted U.S. petroleum product imports in March
May 26 21 Higher Memorial Day gasoline prices reflect low inventories amid increasing demand
19 14 EIA lowers India’s oil demand forecast because of increasing COVID-19 cases
12 7 Cyberattack halts fuel movement on Colonial Pipeline
5 4/30 U.S. ethane consumption fell significantly in February because of severe cold weather
April 28 23 U.S. crude oil imports from OPEC are down, but imports from Canada remain high
21 16 Increased U.S. air travel is beginning to increase jet fuel demand
14 9 Planned second-quarter 2021 refinery outages unlikely to significantly affect transportation fuel supplies
7 2 Summer gasoline consumption expected to increase from 2020 but remain below 2019 levels
March 31 26 U.S. Virgin Islands refinery resumes operation after being inactive since 2012
24 19 Annual exports of transportation fuels from the United States decreased in 2020, but trade varied by product
17 12 China processed more crude oil than net inputs of crude oil to U.S. refineries for several months in 2020
10 5 OPEC production restraint will lower global inventories, but higher prices will stimulate U.S. crude oil production
3 2/26 U.S. crude oil production in 2020 fell for first time since 2016
February 24 19 Power outages disrupt Midcontinent and Gulf Coast petroleum markets
18 12 Ethanol and biomass-based diesel RIN prices approaching all-time highs
10 5 EIA forecasts the United States will return to being a net petroleum importer in 2021 and 2022
3 1/29 Heating and petrochemical demand in Asia contribute to more U.S. propane exports and higher prices
January 27 22 Energy prices have increased more than non-energy commodity prices since the fourth quarter of 2020
22 15 EIA releases methods for estimating and forecasting global oil consumption
13 8 EIA forecasts higher crude oil prices in early 2021, driven by inventory draws
6 1 Crude oil prices in 2020 were the lowest in more than 15 years
  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 30 25 This Week in Petroleum: Best of 2020
23 18 U.S. average regular gasoline and diesel prices increase
16 11 U.S. jet fuel consumption during the week of Thanksgiving was about half of last year’s
9 4 EIA forecasts global petroleum inventory draws and higher crude oil prices in 2021
2 11/27 Corporate acquisitions accounted for most oil company asset transaction value in the United States and Canada so far in 2020
November 25 20 Pre-Thanksgiving retail gasoline prices are the lowest since 2015
18 13 Financial flows into crude oil futures have declined
12 6 U.S. crude oil production forecast to decline until mid-2021 before returning to current levels
4 10/30 U.S. refinery runs remain lower than the five-year average in most regions
October 28 23 EIA forecasts OPEC net oil export revenues in 2020 to be the lowest in 18 years
21 16 Crude oil tanker rates likely to remain low until petroleum demand increases
15 9 EIA expects current, record-high U.S. distillate inventories to fall gradually through the winter heating season
7 2 Global crack spreads remain low amid slow oil demand recovery and high stocks
September 30 25 U.S. crude oil producers increased the amount and share of production covered by financial hedges in Q2 2020
23 18 In 2020, increased propane, other HGL exports contribute to continued strong product exports despite reductions in major transport fuels
16 11 First-half 2020 U.S. crude oil exports increase year-over-year despite declines beginning in March
10 4 OPEC+ production cuts between January and August 2020 contributed to global oil market rebalancing
2 8/28 Lowest U.S. average regular gasoline retail price heading into Labor Day weekend since 2004
August 26 21 Flight data confirm changes in overall U.S. jet fuel consumption estimates
19 14 U.S. refineries respond to record-low demand by decreasing inputs to certain downstream units
12 7 Aggregate and well-level data show magnitude and drivers of North Dakota’s declining crude oil production
5 7/31 As lockdowns ease, May gasoline demand increases and crude oil production slows
July 29 24 COVID-19’s impact on global commercial jet fuel demand has been significant and uneven
22 17 Product crack spreads increase from recent lows but face uncertain demand, high inventories
15 10 U.S. oil producers wrote down asset values, announced spending cuts in first quarter of 2020
8 3 EIA forecasts global stock draws through 2021
1 6/26 April data indicate record increase in U.S. crude oil inventories, record decreases in refinery runs and demand
June 24 19 U.S. refinery capacity sets new record as of January 1, 2020
17 12 Breakeven crude oil prices are one metric of the economic constraints facing OPEC+ members
10 5 EIA raises its 2020 crude oil price forecast in the June STEO
3 5/29 March saw major declines in U.S. demand for petroleum products
May 28 22 Exploration and development expenditures likely to drop from 2019’s four-year high
20 15 North American crude oil prices are closely, but not perfectly, connected
13 8 EIA raises crude oil price outlook slightly as announced supply cuts lead to high inventory draws in 2021
5 1 Low crude oil prices, record-high inventories, and low demand drive gasoline prices down
April 29 24 Record low demand and low crack spreads drive refinery run declines
22 17 WTI crude oil futures prices fell below zero because of low liquidity and limited available storage
15 10 EIA forecasts U.S. crude oil production to decline because of low oil prices
8 3 EIA forecasts record high global inventory builds
1 3/27 U.S. gross refinery inputs declined in 2019, and weekly gross inputs have fallen significantly so far in 2020
March 25 20 Oil market volatility is at an all-time high
18 13 China’s crude oil imports surpassed 10 million barrels per day in 2019
11 6 OPEC shift to maintain market share will result in global inventory increases and lower prices
4 2/28 U.S. crude oil exports increased 45% to nearly 3 million b/d in 2019
February 26 21 After January weakness, gasoline crack spreads increase in February
20 14 Forecast growth in demand for U.S. petroleum and other liquids is not driven by transportation and not supplied by refineries
12 7 EIA revises global liquid fuels demand growth down because of the coronavirus
5 1/31 Geopolitical developments continue to drive maritime crude oil tanker rates
January 29 24 The United States is projected to be a net exporter of crude oil in two AEO2020 side cases
23 17 EIA forecasts U.S. crude oil production growth to slow in 2021
15 10 EIA forecasts that crude oil prices will fall during the first half of 2020, then increase through 2021
8 3 Crude oil prices in 2019 were generally lower than in 2018
3 12/27 This Week in Petroleum: Best of 2019
  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 27 20 U.S. average regular gasoline and diesel prices fall slightly
18 13 Midwest propane supplies are tight heading into peak winter demand months
11 6 With pipeline development, U.S. crude oil pipeline fill has increased by more than 60% since 2011
4 11/29 September was the first month the United States recorded exporting more petroleum than it imported
November 27 22 U.S. average gasoline prices this week are similar to the previous two Thanksgivings
20 15 EIA increases U.S. crude oil production forecast
14 8 Low distillate inventories contribute to higher heating oil price forecast
6 1 Changing nature of non-OPEC supply types may be affecting the crude oil futures market
October 30 25 Retail gasoline prices in California decline from recent highs
23 18 Petroleum product exports rose slightly in the first half of 2019 compared with the first half of 2018
17 11 EIA expects U.S. winter heating fuel expenditures to decrease
9 4 EIA forecasts lower crude oil prices despite tighter global liquid fuels balances
2 09/27 U.S. crude oil exports continued to grow in the first half of 2019
September 25 20 Despite increased second quarter 2019 returns and production for 42 publicly traded companies, U.S. oil companies' stock prices decline
18 13 Saudi Arabia crude oil production outage will affect global oil markets and U.S. gasoline prices
11 6 EIA continues to revise 2019 global liquid fuels consumption forecast lower
5 8/30 U.S. distillate consumption lower in 2019 after record growth last year
August 28 23 U.S. retail gasoline prices heading into Labor Day are lower than last year
21 16 2018 OPEC net oil export revenues highest since 2013, but likely to decline
14 9 Singapore gasoline crack spreads now among the world’s lowest
7 2 EIA forecasts moderate inventory builds in 2020 and lowers crude oil price forecast
July 31 26 U.S. crude oil production continues to set monthly record highs
24 19 U.S. oil producers increase shareholder distributions
17 12 The crude oil adjustment accounts for differences in supply and disposition
10 5 Crude oil prices are forecast to remain relatively flat
3 6/28 Planned shutdown of Philadelphia refinery will change gasoline and diesel supply patterns for the U.S. East Coast
June 26 21 U.S. refinery capacity sets new record as of January 1, 2019
19 14 Despite crude oil production cuts, Saudi Arabian crude oil exports to some Asian countries have increased
12 7 EIA forecasts lower crude oil prices, but expected inventory declines present considerable uncertainty
5 5/31 Lowest crude oil imports since 1986 indicate changes in U.S. Gulf Coast crude oil supply
May 30 24 Oil company finding costs reached a 10-year low in 2018
22 17 U.S. gasoline prices are slightly below 2018 levels heading into Memorial Day weekend, but are expected to rise
15 10 West Coast retail gasoline prices increase because of refinery outages and declining inventories
8 3 Inventory draws contribute to higher forecast crude oil prices
1 4/26 Saudi Arabia has significantly reduced the amount of crude oil used for power generation
April 24 19 Venezuelan crude oil production falls to lowest level since January 2003
17 12 Despite crude oil price declines in the fourth quarter, 2018 was the most profitable year for U.S. oil producers since 2013
10 5 Summer 2019 gasoline prices forecast to be lower than last summer
3 3/29 Panama Canal expansion increased transits of hydrocarbon gas liquids without much change in other petroleum flows
March 27 22 Petroleum product exports set record high in 2018
20 15 The United States exported 2 million barrels per day of crude oil in 2018 to 42 different destinations
13 8 EIA forecasts relatively flat crude oil prices despite lower global production growth
6 1 U.S. retail gasoline prices expected to rise after winter low
February 27 22 U.S. Gulf Coast crude oil imports from Canada reach record-high volumes
21 15 Permian and Gulf of Mexico regions expected to drive continued record-high U.S. crude oil production through 2020
13 8 Low gasoline crack spreads and high crude oil feedstock costs reduce U.S. Gulf Coast refinery margins
6 1 Venezuelan sanctions unlikely to have a significant impact on U.S. refiners
January 30 25 Upcoming changes in marine fuel sulfur limits will affect crude oil and petroleum product markets
24 18 Crude oil prices forecast to increase, but remain lower than 2018 averages as global inventories build
16 11 Upcoming changes in marine fuel sulfur limits will affect crude oil and petroleum product markets
9 4 Crude oil prices end the year lower than they began in 2018
4 12/28 This Week in Petroleum: Best of 2018
  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 28 21 U.S. average regular gasoline and diesel prices decrease
19 14 Current crude oil price declines are similar to 2014, but some measures of U.S. oil producers' financial positions vary
12 7 Record-high U.S. crude oil production contributes to lower forecast prices
6 11/30 Crude oil imports from Canada by rail now exceed rail movements from Bakken
November 28 23 EIA study concludes that changes at U.S. refineries are not responsible for increasing premium-to-regular gasoline retail price spread
21 16 Recent changes introduced in U.S. and Middle East crude oil futures markets
15 9 While current U.S. Gulf Coast diesel crack spreads remain high, gasoline crack spreads virtually disappear
7 2 Global inventory builds put downward pressure on crude oil prices
October 31 26 Planned refinery outages in the fourth-quarter 2018 are not expected to constrain availability of transportation fuels
24 19 Low water levels on Rhine River disrupt petroleum product shipments ahead of winter
17 12 EIA expects U.S. heating oil prices to be higher compared with last winter
11 5 Iranian sanctions contribute to supply uncertainty
3 9/28 U.S. crude oil inventories at Cushing, Oklahoma, fell by more than half in the past year
September 26 21 U.S. and global ethane demand continues to grow, making it an increasingly important component of U.S. petroleum balances
19 14 U.S. oil companies increase capital expenditure budgets and discuss Permian constraints in second-quarter 2018 financial statements
12 7 Tighter crude oil markets contribute to higher forecast prices
6 8/31 Crude oil was the largest U.S. petroleum export in the first half of 2018
August 29 24 U.S. retail gasoline prices at four-year high heading into Labor Day weekend
22 17 U.S. distillate demand highest since 2007
15 10 East Coast refiners receiving more domestic crude oil by rail, tanker, and barge
8 3 Forecast crude oil prices reflect competing price risks
1 07/27 U.S. refineries running at near-record levels
July 25 20 As cash flow increases, U.S. oil companies continue trends of debt reduction and hedging
18 13 Despite takeaway capacity constraints, the Permian region is expected to drive U.S. crude oil production growth through 2019
11 6 EIA expects Brent crude oil prices to average $73 per barrel in the second half of 2018, then fall to $69 per barrel in 2019
5 6/29 EIA uses gasoline product supplied as a proxy for demand, not retail consumption
June 27 22 U.S. refinery capacity virtually unchanged between 2017 and 2018
20 15 Oil company proved reserves additions in 2017 were most since 2013 while expenditures were about half
13 8 EIA expects Brent prices will average $71 per barrel in 2018 before declining to $68 per barrel in 2019
6 1 2018 EIA Energy Conference
May 31 25 EIA reports track U.S. oil production statistics and trends
23 18 Rising crude oil prices are contributing to higher gasoline prices heading into Memorial Day weekend
16 11 Total liquid fuels inventories return to five-year average levels in the United States and the OECD
9 4 EIA raises Brent crude oil price forecast by $7 per barrel in 2018 but expects prices to gradually decline through 2019
2 4/27 U.S. Gulf Coast port restrictions impose additional costs on U.S. crude oil exports
April 25 20 New Chinese crude oil futures contract could become Asian price benchmark
18 13 U.S. imports of Canadian crude oil by rail increase
11 6 Retail gasoline prices this summer are expected to be 11% higher than in summer 2017
4 3/30 Changes to income tax law have significant effects on U.S. oil producers
March 28 23 Venezuela's crude oil production is declining amid economic instability
21 16 U.S. petroleum product exports continued to grow in 2017
14 9 U.S. production of crude oil grew 5% in 2017, reaching 10 million barrels per day in the last two months of the year
7 2 The United States exported 1.1 million barrels per day of crude oil to 37 destinations in 2017
February 28 23 U.S. propane prices and crude oil prices re-link as exports increase
22 16 Planned U.S. refinery outages through first half of the year should not constrain availability of transportation fuels
14 9 Economic indicators can inform non-OECD liquid fuels consumption forecasts
7 2 EIA raises crude oil price forecast for 2018 by nearly $3 per barrel; 2019 global supply and demand balances largely unchanged
January 26 31 China is now the world's largest crude oil importer
24 19 Household costs for heating fuel to increase this winter
18 12 Pipeline constraints likely affecting Canadian crude oil prices, Cushing inventories
10 5 EIA forecasts mostly flat crude oil prices and increasing production in 2018 and 2019
4 12/29 Growing octane needs widen the price spread between premium and regular gasoline
  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 28 22 U.S. average regular gasoline and diesel prices rise
20 15 U.S. oil companies hedged at least 1.2 million barrels per day of 2018 production
13 8 EIA forecasts a mostly balanced oil market in 2018
6 1 Monthly Midwest crude oil imports surpassed Gulf Coast crude oil imports for first time
November 29 24 The United States continues trend toward exporting more gasoline than it imports
22 17 Gasoline prices ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday are higher than last year
15 10 Exchange-traded funds play an increasing role in oil futures markets
8 3 Transportation constraints and export costs widen the Brent-WTI price spread
1 10/27 An increasingly large share of U.S. distillate production is exported
October 25 20 Widening Brent-WTI price spread unlikely to change current trends in East Coast crude oil supply
18 13 U.S. heating oil expenditures are expected to increase this winter but remain below recent average
12 6 Permian Basin expected to drive fourth quarter U.S crude oil production increases
4 9/29 Propane supply for Midwest markets appears normal as heating season begins
September 27 22 Crude oil and petroleum product exports reach record levels in the first half of 2017
20 15 U.S. oil companies increased liquids production and cash flow in the second quarter of 2017
13 8 Hurricane Irma prompts high gasoline demand as it disrupts Florida's supply chain
8 1 Hurricane Harvey disrupts U.S. Gulf Coast refineries, infrastructure, and supply chains
August 30 25 Hurricane Harvey adds considerable uncertainty surrounding gasoline prices for the upcoming Labor Day weekend
23 18 Changing crude quality mix is affecting crude price differentials and refining decisions
16 11 EIA's Drilling Productivity Report initiates coverage of the Anadarko Basin
9 4 Strong domestic and export demand is outpacing U.S. gasoline production, resulting in stock draws
3 7/28 Seasonality of U.S. distillate consumption and stock levels is declining
July 26 21 Maritime chokepoints are critical to global energy security
14 19 U.S. crude oil production forecast to average 9.9 million barrels per day in 2018
12 7 U.S. oil producers paying off debt, but higher costs restrict cash flow growth
6 6/30 U.S. refinery capacity at the start of 2017 is 1.6% above its year-earlier level
June 28 23 2017 EIA Energy Conference
21 16 U.S. exports of crude oil and petroleum products rising, but trends vary across products
  14 9 Growing octane needs widen the price spread between premium and regular gasoline
7 2 Markets expected to tighten in the third quarter of 2017, then loosen through 2018
1 5/26 Oil companies’ proved reserves decline for second consecutive year as finding costs remain near historical average
May 24 19 Stable crude prices, weaker demand, and high inventories moderate gasoline
prices heading into Memorial Day
17 12 Indian liquid fuels consumption declined in the first quarter of 2017 but is beginning to recover
10 5 Fuel economy improvements projected to reduce future gasoline use despite recent changes in vehicle sales mix
3 4/28 Petroleum product exports from the U.S. Central Atlantic states were unusually high in February
April 26 21 Inflows of gasoline and diesel into the Midwest fall as demand flattens and production grows
19 14 New pipeline capacity and other infrastructure changes can accommodate
increasing Permian crude oil production
12 7 Retail gasoline prices this summer are expected to be slightly higher than in 2016
5 3/31 More Chinese crude oil imports coming from non-OPEC countries
March 29 24 U.S. oil producers issued record equity in 2016 and increased investment
in the final quarter
22 17 U.S. crude oil exports went to more destinations in 2016
15 10 Despite growth late in the year, U.S. crude oil production decreased in 2016 while both imports and exports increased
8 3 Midwest and Rocky Mountain regions are increasingly self-sufficient in production of transportation fuels
1 2/24 Planned refinery outages through first half of the year not expected to constrain availability of transportation fuels
February 23 17 U.S. crude oil imports from Saudi Arabia and Iraq combined recently approached five-year high, but are expected to decline
15 10 U.S. crude oil production increases following higher drilling activity
8 3 Hydrocarbon gas liquids by rail data adds transparency to rapidly changing markets
2 1/27 U.S. heating oil and propane prices higher than same time last year
January 25 20 Mexican gasoline market reforms could influence U.S. gasoline export trends
19 13 Hydrocarbon gas liquids becoming a key factor in overall liquid fuel balance changes
11 6 Average crude oil prices forecast to rise as markets move toward balance
5 12/30 EIA now using near-real-time export data to provide better weekly petroleum consumption statistics
  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 29 23 U.S. average regular gasoline and diesel retail prices climb
21 16 Strategic Petroleum Reserve sales under recently enacted laws are expected to start in January 2017
14 9 Quarterly upstream earnings positive for the first time since 2014
7 2 OPEC production cuts reflected in EIA forecast; HGL production grows through 2017
November 30 25 U.S. gasoline inventories, consumption, production, and exports all increased over the past year
23 18 Tighter marine fuel sulfur limits will spark changes by both refiners and vessel operators
16 11 Planned refinery outages through year-end not expected to constrain availability of transportation fuels
9 4 EIA forecasts $51 per barrel 2017 Brent crude oil price
2 10/28 Stable oil prices, improving credit conditions contributing to rise in merger and acquisition activity
October 26 21 Low tanker rates are enabling long-distance crude oil and petroleum product trade
19 14 Heating oil expenditures expected to increase 38% this winter, but remain below normal
13 7 Updated forecast in October STEO implies slower path to global oil market balance
5 9/30 U.S. crude oil imports rise during first-half 2016, first increase since 2010
September 28 23 Rapid growth in propane exports drove U.S. petroleum product export growth
in the first half of 2016
21 16 Pipeline shutdown disrupts gasoline supply in the Southeast
14 9 EIA's weekly crude oil inventory data will soon be presented without lease stocks
8 2 U.S. retail gasoline prices at twelve-year low heading into Labor Day
August 31 26 EIA now using near-real-time export data to provide better weekly petroleum consumption statistics
24 19 Changing crude oil price differentials contribute to global
convergence of refining profits
17 12 OPEC net oil export revenue in 2015 drops to lowest level since 2004
10 5 U.S. crude oil exports reach more destinations and continue to increase
3 7/29 Declining economic activity and oil revenues in Russia
are adversely affecting its regional neighbor
July 27 22 Increased gasoline production and high inventories combine to reduce global
refinery gasoline margins
20 15 Increased drilling may slow pace of Lower 48 states crude oil
production declines
13 8 2016 EIA Energy Conference
7 1 Crude-by-rail volumes to the East Coast drop as imports rise
June 29 24 U.S. refinery capacity rises 1.9%
22 17 Modest changes to crude oil and petroleum product flows expected from
expanded Panama Canal
15 10 Higher U.S. gasoline production and inventories are reducing gasoline
crack spreads
8 3 Storage capacity utilization rises, as growth in stored volumes
outpaces expansion of storage capacity
2 5/27 Recent drilling activity has lowered costs and increased performance
May 25 20 Oil companies focus on production over exploration as low oil prices reduce value of new reserves
18 13 China’s diesel exports put downward pressure on Asia-Pacific crack spreads
11 6 EIA's global crude supply outlook considers planned and unplanned production outages
4 4/29 Variation across gasoline consumption estimates — a guide for the perplexed
April 27 22 Crude oil prices rise and contango narrows, but high inventories
should constrain further price increases
20 15 2015 financials reveal significant differences across U.S. onshore-only producers
13 8 Logistical challenges result in ship-to-ship transfers of U.S. propane exports
7 1 EIA tracks monthly ethanol and biodiesel rail movements
March 30 25 Engine design trends lead to increased demand for higher-octane gasoline
23 18 First-half 2016 refinery outage report released
16 11 U.S. petroleum product exports continue to expand
9 4 EIA lowers its crude oil price forecast
2 2/26 Rail still moves crude from the Midwest to coastal regions, but in smaller volumes
February 24 19 U.S. crude oil inventories continue to increase
18 12 European distillate oversupply results in floating storage and shipping changes
10 5 U.S. regular retail gasoline to average below $2 per gallon in 2016; lowest since 2004
3 1/29 East Coast, Gulf Coast trade transportation fuels to balance needs, supply
January 27 22 Warm temperatures and low oil prices are reducing home heating expenditures
21 15 Iran's petroleum production seen rising as many sanctions are lifted
13 8 Crude oil prices will remain relatively low through 2016 and 2017
6 1 California begins 2016 with supply disruptions and higher prices
  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 30 25 U.S. average retail regular gasoline price changes mixed, diesel fuel prices decrease
23 18 Effects of removing crude export restrictions depend on price and resource assumptions
16 11 Recent trends in net oil import dependence vary by region
9 4 December Short-Term Energy Outlook forecasts non-OPEC production decline in 2016
2 11/27 Crude oil storage capacity and inventories have increased in Cushing, Oklahoma and PADD 3 since September
November 25 20 Lowest retail gasoline prices since 2008 lead to Thanksgiving trip savings across United States
18 13 Oil companies announce significant write-downs in third-quarter 2015
12 6 October Short-Term Energy Outlook lowers crude price forecast for 2016
4 10/30 High inventories in Central Atlantic weighing on distillate spot prices
October 28 23 As U.S. propane production and export capacity expand, U.S.
propane exports reach more distant markets
21 16 Fourth-quarter 2015 refinery outage report released
15 9 Effects of unplanned refinery outages on prices vary by region
7 2 Heating oil expenditures forecast to be lower this winter
September 30 25 EIA releases West Coast transportation fuels supply/demand study
23 18 Sustained low oil prices could reduce exploration and production investment
16 11 EIA projects lower gasoline prices despite recent demand growth
10 4 U.S. onshore producers face challenging times
2 8/28 Effects of removing crude export restrictions depend on price and resource assumptions
August 26 21 Recently announced crude oil swaps with Mexico likely to provide economic and environmental benefits
19 14 Unplanned refinery outage leads to higher Midwest gasoline prices
12 7 August Short-Term Energy Outlook lowers crude price forecast for 2015 and
5 7/31 U.S. refineries run at record high throughputs
July 29 24 EIA reports show different aspects of U.S. oil production statistics and trends
22 17 Average diesel retail price falls below gasoline for first time in six years
15 10 California gasoline prices rise further as lengthier supply chain is strained
8 3 Exports provide an outlet for growing propane production
1 6/26 Net petroleum product exports continue to increase
June 24 19 U.S. refinery capacity reaches 18 million barrels per day
17 12 2015 EIA Energy Conference
10 5 June Short-Term Energy Outlook reduces crude oil price forecast based
on supply
3 5/29 EIA projects 56% of crude oil production growth between 2014 and 2020
will consist of light sweet grades
May 28 22 Crude by rail receipts continue to be an important source of supply for
West Coast refiners
20 15 EIA launches redesigned International Energy Portal
13 8 EIA updates crude oil price forecast for 2015 and 2016
6 5/1 EIA releases study on "Implications of Increasing Light Tight Oil Production
for U.S. Refining"
April 29 24 Assessing 2014 oil and gas company financials
22 17 EIA's Drilling Productivity Report predicts May tight oil production below
April's level
15 10 Price declines can affect companies’ proved reserves
8 3 Retail gasoline prices for summer 2015 are projected to be more than
$1/gallon lower than last summer
1 3/27 New monthly data on crude by rail improves EIA regional petroleum balances
March 25 20 Gasoline specification changes and price effects
18 13 Cold winter weather increases Northeast distillate demand, but conditions
are moderating
11 6 U.S. crude oil inventories increase as WTI contango deepens
4 2/27 U.S. petroleum product exports reach record high in 2014
February 25 20 Potential market implications of outage at ExxonMobil's Torrance,
California refinery
19 13 Appreciation of the U.S. dollar moderates recent decline in crude oil prices
for some oil-producing nations
11 6 EIA expects gasoline demand to increase by nearly 1% in 2015
4 1/31 Midwest propane market much better balanced than year ago
January 28 23 Market balances are reflected in changing futures price spreads
22 16 Falling gasoline prices: the influence of crude oil prices and other factors
14 9 Market expectations of oil price uncertainty have increased in recent months
7 2 Regional refinery trends continue to evolve
  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 31 26 U.S. gasoline prices end 2014 down more than
$1 per gallon from year ago, diesel prices also fall
24 19 U.S. gasoline prices move with Brent prices rather than WTI prices
17 12 Lower crude oil prices further reduce expected spending on heating oil this winter
10 5 EIA forecasts $68-per-barrel average Brent crude price in 2015 while recognizing high price uncertainty
3 11/28 After hitting a record low before Thanksgiving, Midwest distillate inventories are increasing
November 26 21 Third-quarter results for North America-focused crude oil producers
19 14 Refinery outages in fall 2014
13 7 2015 global oil balance loosens considerably in latest Short-Term Energy Outlook
5 10/31 U.S. gasoline prices move with Brent prices rather than WTI prices
October 29 24 U.S. average retail regular gasoline price near $3 per gallon
22 17 Crude exports and re-exports continue to rise; some volumes sent to Europe and Asia
16 10 Role of benchmarks in the global crude oil market
8 3 Heating oil and propane expenditures projected to be lower than last winter
1 9/26 Crude delivered by rail continues to supply West Coast refineries
September 24 19 Weak demand, plentiful supply drive recent decline in oil prices
17 12 North American shale-focused companies' financial performance has improved
10 5 Changes in heating oil sulfur specifications in the U.S. Northeast will likely increase ultra-low sulfur diesel demand this winter
4 8/29 U.S. petroleum product exports continue to rise
August 27 22 U.S. retail gasoline prices fall heading into Labor Day, following crude prices lower
20 15 Increased production and infrastructure constraints open
crude oil price
13 8 Midwest propane inventories show strong growth in recent weeks
6 1 Diverging U.S. and global crude oil market fundamentals cause
WTI and Brent prices to converge
July 30 25 Global growth in use of gasoline outpaces diesel in 2014
23 18 U.S. refineries running at record levels
16 11 California continues to regulate carbon intensity of motor fuels used in California
9 4 Unrest in Iraq prompts EIA's July Short-Term Energy Outlook to reduce Iraqi oil production growth
2 6/27 Midwest gasoline prices and supply
June 25 20 U.S. refinery update: capacity edges up, ownership shifts
18 13 Alternative metrics for Gulf Coast crude oil inventories provide differing perspectives
11 6 Expected growth in non-OPEC production reduces the call on OPEC crude required to balance the market
4 5/30 EIA forecast of U.S. crude oil production by quality through 2015
May 29 23 U.S. crude oil exports continue to rise
21 16 U.S. imports of crude oil from Africa fell by more than 90 percent between 2010 and early 2014
14 9 Lower crude feedstock costs contribute to North American refinery profitability
7 2 EIA expects crude oil prices to decline in 2014
April 30 25 Domestic crude makes up half of U.S. East Coast refinery receipts in January 2014
23 18 Typical seasonal factors contribute to recent rise in gasoline price
16 11 Upstream oil and gas spending continues to favor exploration and development activity
9 4 Gasoline prices expected to average $3.57 per gallon during summer 2014
2 3/28 Rapid rise in ethanol prices since early February reflects logistical problems
March 26 21 The spring break travel rush and changes in Florida's gasoline supply
19 14 Crude oil inventories at cushing down 29% over the past seven weeks
12 7 U.S. crude oil production in 2013 reaches highest level since 1989
5 2/28 Petroleum product exports continued to rise in 2013
February 26 21 Winter weather has broad effects on petroleum markets
20 14 Gasoline inventories generally high as refinery turnarounds approach
12 7 WTI–Brent spread projected to average $11 per barrel in 2014
5 1/31 Fuel-switching from natural gas to oil helps moderate Northeast winter natural gas demand
January 29 24 Northeast sees hikes in heating oil demand, prices
23 17 Crude oil imports continue to decline
15 10 Midwest propane markets tighten further on cold weather
8 3 Strong U.S. crude oil production growth forecast through 2015
3 12/27 Shifting production, demand patterns alter oil markets in 2013


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 27 20 Happy Holidays
18 13 U.S. gasoline exports reshape trade flows in the Atlantic Basin
11 12/6 Light Louisiana Sweet (LLS) crude oil now sells at a historically large discount to Brent
4 11/29 U.S. exports of distillate fuel rise 30% on global demand
November 27 22 Gasoline prices this fall below year-ago level
20 15 EPA proposes 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard, with EIA to provide input to the final rule
14 8 Despite high disruption levels, rising production and lower demand restrain oil prices
6 1 High diesel demand and prices keep gasoline prices moving lower despite reduced refinery runs
October 30 25 Recent decline in Gulf Coast crude oil imports mainly affects lighter grades
23 18 Growth in jet fuel net exports reflects higher production, stagnant consumption
9 4 Home heating oil expenditures projected to be slightly lower than last winter
2 9/27 New production sources change domestic propane flows
September 25 20 Understanding the "change of the stock change"
18 13 Rail is likely supplying an increasing share of East Coast crude oil
11 6 Correlation in oil and equity price movements has recently declined
5 8/30 What is driving the declining U.S. gasoline Consumption?
August 28 23 West Coast leads recent gasoline price declines
21 16 EIA expects Brent prices to decline through end of 2013 despite current supply disruptions
14 9 New traffic patterns emerge to supply crude oil to West Coast refiners
8 8/2 Brent - WTI spread is expected to widen through the end of the year
July 31 26 Gasoline consumption: what direction is it heading?
25 19 Crude oil inventories decline at record rate
17 12 U.S. refineries are running at high levels
10 5 U.S. crude oil increasingly moves by barge, truck and rail
3 6/28 A look at U.S. gasoline markets
June 26 21 U.S. refinery capacity: restarts and expansions increased capacity in 2012, with continuing changes in the first half of 2013
19 14 EIA estimates global technically recoverable shale oil resources of 345 billion barrels
12 7 Non-OECD countries accounted for more than half of global liquid fuels use in April
5 5/31 Key factors behind the recent narrowing in the Brent-WTI Spread
May 30 24 Eastern Canadian refineries are increasing their use of U.S.-sourced crude oil
23 17 Midwest gasoline prices: some relief in sight
15 10 Domestic ethanol production starts to grow again as the spread between ethanol and corn prices widens
8 3 Mexico-U.S. petroleum trade
1 4/26 Absorbing increases in U.S. crude oil production
April 24 19 LLS-Brent differential has narrowed from its recent high
17 12 The changing premium for premium gasoline
10 5 Gasoline Prices expected to average $3.63 per gallon during summer 2013
3 3/29 Mid-Continent crude oil markets continue to adjust to rapid rise in Bakken production
March 27 22 Midwest refineries boost capacity for heavy crude oil
20 15 Total U.S. crude oil imports continue to decline in 2012 but regional differences persist
13 8 OPEC crude oil production seen declining in 2013
6 1 U.S. liquid fuels consumption fell in 2012, the 6th decline in the last seven years
February 27 22 Decline in non-highway uses drives down distillate fuel consumption in 2012
21 15 Gasoline prices have risen since the start of the year
13 8 Planned changes to U.S. crude oil pipeline infrastructure should relieve cushing bottleneck
6 1 Announced closure of Hess Corp.'s Port reading refinery not seen having major impact on gasoline markets
January 30 25 Export demand supports U.S. distillate markets
24 18 After late-2012 declines, gasoline prices stabilize in early 2013
16 11 Upcoming pipeline capacity additions Will facilitate continued growth in crude oil shipments from Midwest to Gulf Coast
9 4 Strong U.S. crude oil production growth forecast through 2014
4 12/28 Trading volumes for Brent futures surpass WTI in 2012


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 28 21 Happy New Year
19 14 Could the United States become the leading global producer of liquid fuels, and how much does it matter to U.S. and world energy markets?
12 7 Brent crude oil prices forecast to decrease modestly in 2013
5 11/30 New EIA assessment shows faster rise in U.S. oil production and less U.S. oil consumption
November 28 23 Market implications of increased domestic production of light sweet crude oil
21 16 Distillate market tightness continues in Northeast
15 9 Post-Sandy look at gasoline data shows market stresses in affected regions
7 2 Retail gasoline prices expected to decline in the coming weeks
2 10/26 Update on Hurricane Sandy impacts
October 24 19 U.S. propane production growth pushes inventories and exports higher
17 12 An update on West Coast gasoline markets
11 5 Heating oil markets are tight as winter approaches
3 9/28 U.S. oil production continues to Grow
September 26 21 The impact of U.S. crude oil production on Gulf Coast crude imports"
19 14 Crude oil market volatility
12 7 Brent-WTI differential to narrow
6 8/31 What is driving U.S. gasoline consumption?
August 29 24 U.S. crude oil inventories and a tightening oil market
22 17 An update on West Coast gasoline markets
15 10 Drivers of the recent rise in U.S. gasoline prices
8 3 Corn ethanol issues not expected to significantly impact gasoline prices in 2012
1 7/27 Refineries continue to run at high levels in the Central United States
July 25 20 Update of the status of East Coast refineries
18 13 Developments in U.S. ethanol exports
11 6 Brent crude oil spot price added to Short-Term Energy Outlook
5 6/29 April sets monthly record for net distillate exports
June 27 22 U.S. refinery capacity: final data for 2011 and developments in 2012
20 15 U.S. gasoline imports remain sluggish
13 8 EIA lowers its crude oil price forecast in the June STEO
6 1 A turning point for U.S. oil inventories?
May 31 25 Changing patterns in U.S. crude imports
23 18 West coast gasoline markets: price relief should be coming soon
16 11 Cushing crude oil inventories at record levels
9 4 Gasoline consumers welcome the fall this spring
2 4/27 Second NDAA 60-day report is released
April 25 20 Gulf Coast crude oil inventories: what's up?
18 13 The shifting of global supply disruptions
11 6 2012 summer gasoline: the four-dollar question
4 3/30 Adding barges to EIA study still leaves concerns
March 28 23 The anatomy of U.S. refined product Exports to Mexico
21 16 Record gasoline exports do not appear to be driving gasoline prices
14 9 EIA tracks U.S. tight oil production as volumes soar
7 2 Déjà vu all over again
February 29 24 A review of developments in crude oil and product markets over the past two months
23 17 The HOVENSA refinery closure removes an important source of East Coast gasoline and distillate supply
15 10 Midstream makeover
8 3 The groundhog and heating oil bills
1 1/27 The short-term outlook for Non-OPEC production growth
January 25 20 Diverging trends in regional crude acquisition costs
19 13 East Coast gasoline imports: recent trends and developments
11 6 U.S. motor gasoline consumption patterns in the near term
5 12/30 2011 in Review


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 29 23 Happy New Year
21 16 Arctic Oil and Natural Gas Potential
14 9 Leasing resumes, but trends in Gulf of Mexico production hinge on the timing and productivity of current deepwater developments
7 2 The Return of Libya
November 30 25 The Seaway Pipeline Reversal and the WTI Price Discount: Location, Quality and Timing in Crude Oil
23 18 Ethanol Blend Wall: Are We There Yet?
16 11 Horizontal drilling…it's not just about natural gas
9 4 A Silver Lining in the Short-Term Oil Market Outlook?
2 10/28 The Heating Oil Watch
October 26 21 Brazil Set to Play a Major Role in Long-Term Non-OPEC Growth in Conventional Liquids Production
19 14 Japan: Liquid fuels use since the 2011 earthquake and tsunami
13 7 Heating Oil Outlook
5 9/30 The shortening timeline from discovery to production in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico
September 28 23 Positive Oil Supply Developments in West Africa
21 16 Sanctions on Syria unlikely to significantly impact international oil markets
14 9 Key factors affecting the outlook for restoring Libya's oil production
8 2 The Latest Twist in Oil Price Patterns
August 31 26 Gasoline Consumption: how did we get here?
24 19 The United States: From Ethanol Importer to Ethanol Exporter
17 12 U.S. Oil Rig Count Passes 1,000
10 5 Forecasting in a volatile market
3 7/29 Shifting Crude Oil Movements in the Mid-Continent
July 27 22 Rising North Dakota Oil Production: Recent Trends and Future Prospects
20 15 Middle East Demand
13 8 Release of strategic crude oil and product reserves and the short-term outlook
7 1 Cushing inventories: taking a deeper look
June 29 24 Annual Refinery Capacity Report shows U.S. capacity increased during 2010 despite slow demand growth
22 17 Chinese Oil Demand 101: The Role of Electricity
15 10 How the upcoming hurricane season might impact Gulf of Mexico crude oil production
8 3 A real downturn or just a pause? Projected increases in world oil consumption may require higher production from OPEC countries
2 5/27 Fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions standards proposed for heavy-duty vehicles
May 25 20 U.S. Oil Import Dependence: declining no matter how you measure it
18 13 Gasoline prices - an unusual spring
11 6 The relationship between retail gasoline prices and NYMEX RBOB futures prices
4 4/29 Oil from the Americas: a current and future source for the United States
April 27 22 Domestic oil production reversed decades-long decline in 2009 and 2010
20 15 Motor fuel taxes in the United States
13 8 The outlook for transportation fuel markets this summer
6 1 Jet fuel conundrum
March 30 25 Effects of crude oil supply disruptions: how long can they last?
23 18 Japan and Libya: Different Impacts on World Markets
16 11 How quickly can the market access commercial crude oil inventories?
9 4 EIA Raises Crude Oil and Gasoline Price Forecasts
2 2/25 The ABCs of crude supply disruptions
February 24 18 Market response to the WTI-Brent spread is constrained by logistical challenges
16 11 What can the groundhog tell you about your heating bills?
9 4 The Art of Understanding Weekly Variations Product Supplied Estimate
2 1/28 Third Quarter Energy Earnings Consistent Across Business Segments
January 26 21 Transportation Sector Petroleum Use in the New AEO2011 Reference Case
20 14 Gasoline Prices: What Next, with Prices Already Above $3 per Gallon?
12 7 The Short-Term Outlook for Non-OPEC Supply Growth
5 12/30 Northeast Propane Update


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 30 24 Happy New Year
22 17 An Unusual Autumn for Gasoline Prices
15 10 Higher Prices Boost Additions to Oil Proved Reserves in 2009
8 3 Weak U.S. Oil Demand?
1 11/26 EIA Initiates Publication of New Data on Liquid Fuels Storage Capacity
November 24 19 Gasoline Price Pass-Through
17 12 Have Crude Oil Prices Moved to a Higher Range?
10 5 Propane Costs This Winter
3 10/29 Gasoline Supply on the East Coast
October 27 22 A Tale of Two Markets: Natural Gas and Residual Fuel Oil
20 15 U.S. Refinery Potential to Produce More Distillate to Meet Changing Markets
14 8 Heating Oil Costs This Winter
6 1 Canada is a Top Source of Refined Product Imports
September 29 24 Canadian Crude Oil Imports: Increasing Importance to the United States
22 17 Second Quarter Energy Earnings Consistent Across Business Segments
15 10 EIA Updates Gulf of Mexico Webpage and Introduces Hurricane Page
9 3 The Peak of the Hurricane Season Is Here
1 8/27 Gasoline Prices at Summer Low before Labor Day Weekend
August 25 20 Storage Capacity Data Planned for Release in November
18 13 Northeast States move to reduce sulfur content in heating oil
11 6 Jet fuel markets: Is a turnaround in sight?
4 7/30 Propane Stocks Update
July 28 23 Algae: A Potential Source of Future Fuels?
21 16 Weekly Preliminary Crude Oil Imports Now Available
14 9 U.S. Refinery Capacity Declines for First Time Since 2003
8 2 The Ethanol Blend Wall
June 30 25 Independence Day and the Outlook for Summer Gasoline Prices
23 18 First Quarter Producer Earnings Increase While Refining Remains Weak
16 11 Keep an Eye on More than WTI
9 4 Projected Impact of the 2010 Hurricane Season on Crude Oil Production in the Gulf of Mexico
3 5/28 New Weekly Petroleum Status Report Debuts June 9, 2010
May 26 21 Production, Proved Reserves and Drilling in the Ultra-Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
19 14 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
12 7 Summer Gasoline and the 3-2-1 Crack Spread
5 4/30 Small Wells Grow in Importance
April 28 23 Refinery Outage Outlook for Spring 2010
21 16 One Means of Biodiesel Production: The FAME Process
14 9 2010 Energy Conference: Short-Term Stresses, Long-Term Change
7 2 The Outlook for Transportation-Fuel Markets This Summer
March 31 26 Recent Changes to U.S. Refinery Capacity
24 19 Fourth Quarter Energy Earnings Vary Across Business Segments
17 12 Oil Rig Counts Increase
10 5 Motor Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Markets: A Study in Contrasts
3 2/26 The Cars of the Future
February 24 19 Recent Data on OPEC Production Suggests Stabilization at End of 2009
18 12 U.S. Gasoline Imports: Recent Developments and Outlook
12 5 Does Groundhog Day occur too late for heating oil consumers?
3 1/29 U.S. Petroleum Markets Reverse Course After Early-January Run-up
January 27 22 EIA Invites Comments on Information Needed to Support Its Energy and Financial Markets Initiative
21 15 Fuel Ethanol Margins: 2009 Update
13 8 Monthly OPEC Surplus Oil Production Capacity Data Now Available
6 1 EIA's Petroleum Supply Data: Variations between Weekly and Monthly Survey Results


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 30 25 Happy New Year
  23 18 Retail Gasoline Prices Drift Lower at Year-End
  16 11 Third Quarter Earnings Decline for All Segments of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry
  9 4 Short-Term Forecast is for Asian Oil Demand Growth
  2 11/27 The Changing Structure of the U.S. Refining Industry
November 25 20 Market Conditions Reduce Refinery Outage Impacts
  18 13 Pressures on Fuel Ethanol Production Capacity
  12 6 Saudi Aramco Announces New U.S. Pricing Formula
  4 10/30 Proved Reserves of Crude Oil Fall in 2008, Reflecting Low End-of-Year Prices
October 28 23 Changing Distillate Export Patterns
  21 16 International Oil Data Gaps
  15 9 Large Earnings Declines in Second Quarter for All Segments of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry
  7 2 Tracking Volatile Energy Prices
September 30 25 Winter Fuels: How Inventories are Stacking Up
  23 18 Rig Count Rebounds for Oil, Not for Natural Gas
  16 11 Some Biodiesel Basics - Groundwork for Coming Articles
  10 4 When Will Global Oil Consumption Rebound?
  2 8/28 Because Once a Year Is Not Enough: EIA Introduces Monthly Reporting on Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions
August 26 21 Coordinating the Federal Response to Hurricane-Related Energy Emergencies
  19 14 Not Your Parents' Gasoline
  12 7 It Only Takes a Few: Compliance with OPEC Production Targets
  5 7/31 Connections: Why Refinery and Electric Power Damage on the Gulf Coast Affects Petroleum Product Supplies and Prices Elsewhere
July 29 24 How Long Will the Seas Remain Quiet?
  22 17 U.S. Oil Production Trends
  15 10 U.S. Refinery Capacity Still Growing
  8 3 Breaking the Wall
  1 6/26 Have Gasoline Prices Passed This Summer's Peak?
June 24 19 U.S. Oil Demand and Import Sources: Recent Developments and Key Factors Affecting the Future
  17 13 A Rough First Quarter for U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Producers
  10 5 A Study in Contrasts
  3 5/29 EIA "Stimulated" to Revise the Annual Energy Outlook 2009
May 28 22 Renewable Fuels Changes to EIA's Petroleum Surveys
  20 15 Springtime Transitions
  13 8 Surplus Oil Production Capacity and World Oil Prices
  6 1 Falling Prices Lead to a Reduction in Domestic Oil and Gas Drilling
April 29 24 2008–2009 Winter Propane Market in Retrospect
  22 17 Accounting for Biodiesel
  15 10 Transportation Fuel Markets Are Expected to be Weak This Summer
  8 3 Another Sign of Spring: Refinery Outages
  1 3/27 ($) 1…2…3?
March 25 20 All Eyes on OPEC
  18 13 That Guy at the End of the Bench
  11 6 Changing Expectations
  4 2/27 The Bakken Formation Helps Increase U.S. Proved Reserves of Oil
February 25 20 Are Gasoline and Crude Oil Price Patterns Actually Diverging?
  19 13 You're invited!
  11 6 Groundhog Economics: Will Punxsutawney Phil Cost You Money?
  4 1/30 The Dance Between Crude Oil and Retail Gasoline Prices
January 28 23 Crude Oil Proved Reserves Changes, 2007
  22 16 Refinery Yields
  14 9 What a Difference a Year Makes
  7 2 Oil Company Spending Patterns in a Volatile Market


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 31 26 Happy New Year
  24 19 Season's Greetings
  17 12 Large Production Increases in Store for the Gulf of Mexico
  10 5 The Decline in Motor Gasoline Consumption: A Replay of the Early 1980s?
  3 11/28 Retrospective Look at Refinery Operations after Hurricanes
November 26 21 Fuel Ethanol Margins: Boom and Bust Cycles
  19 14 U.S. Offshore Oil Production Matters
  13 7 Trying to Get it Right
  5 10/31 What the Economic Downturn Could Mean for Oil Markets
October 29 24 Measuring U.S. Dependence on Foreign Oil: The What, Where, and When Factors
  22 17 Domestic Proved Reserves Increase, Especially for Natural Gas
  16 10 Winter Outlook for Propane
  8 3 Heating Oil Grievances
  1 9/26 Domestic Oil Markets Continue to Recover from Hurricanes
September 24 19 Looking Beyond the Short Run
  17 12 The Second Hurricane Punch Softer than Feared
  10 5 Feeling the Pinch: Gasoline Prices Vary (a lot) from Country to Country
  4 8/29 Hurricane Gustav Hits Gulf Coast with Softer Glove than Katrina/Rita
August 27 22 Gasoline Markets Are In Low Gear
  20 15 Driving to Disney World is Now Less Expensive
  13 8 Declines in U.S. Petroleum Consumption Expected to Continue
  6 1 The Ever-Changing Sources of US Crude Oil Imports
July 30 25 Planning for the Future
  23 18 EIA's Pump Diagrams: Factors Affecting Retail Prices for Gasoline or Diesel Fuel
  16 11 Grilling Season vs. Heating Season
  9 4 Jet Fuel Markets are Losing Altitude
  2 6/27 Calculating Gasoline Product Supplied: Theory and Practice
June 25 19 Oxygenates: Btu over a Barrel
  18 13 Low Refinery Utilization and High Prices?
  11 6 Monte Carlo and Forecasting Hurricanes
  4 5/30 Nearing the $2 Mark
May 29 23 Good, Better, and Best-A Comparison of Weekly, Monthly, and Annual Data
  21 16 Memorial Day Gasoline Prices
  14 9 Oil as a Primary Space Heating Fuel: Historical Trends
  7 2 Spring and the Summer-Grade Gasoline Price Bump
April 30 25 Factors Behind High Distillate Prices More Complex Than Gasoline
  23 18 The Relationship Between Crude Oil and Natural Gas Prices
  16 11 Time of the Year
  9 4 Where Have All the Drivers Gone?
  2 3/28 Winter Fuels Wrap-Up
March 26 21 Bait and Switch
  19 14 Heating Fuels Prices At Record Levels
  12 7 $4 per gallon?
  5 2/29 "The Long Run"
February 27 22 Coming Attractions
  21 15 Lost and Found Refinery Capacity
  13 8 Looking for Shadows
  6 1 A Possible Economic Slowdown and Its Impact on Oil Demand
January 30 25 The Big Event
  24 18 The Cost of Coming in from the Cold
  16 11 Comparing the Present to the Past
  9 4 Suspicious Minds
  3 12/28 $100 per Barrel?


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 27 21 Spinning Records
  19 14 Waiting for the Goods to Arrive
  12 7 Will Oil Prices Continue to Drop?
  5 11/30 Too Much Money?
November 28 23 Where Being Above Average is Undesirable
  21 16 Over the River and Through the Woods
  15 9 Recipe for Change
  7 2 Why Are Oil Prices So High?
October 31 26 What Do We Really Know About College Football or Crude Oil Imports?
  24 19 Defining Records
  17 12 Fundamentals vs. Speculation
  11 5 October Is Just the Beginning
  3 9/28 Preparing for the Future
September 26 21 Retractable Roofs
  19 14 At The Crossroads
  12 7 Pump Up the Volume
  6 8/31 Measuring Oil Demand Growth
August 29 24 Good News, Bad News
  22 17 One-Stop Shop
  15 10 Be Careful When Making Assumptions
  8 3 Trends
  1 7/27 Cycling
July 25 20 Time Will Tell
  18 13 Will Crude Oil Prices Reach $80?
  11 6 The Second Half
  5 6/29 Propane Used for More Than Grilling
June 27 22 Magic?
  20 15 Winter in June?
  13 8 How Does It End?
  6 1 What Lies Ahead
May 31 25 Summer Breeze
  23 18 What's In a Name?
  16 11 Gasoline FAQs
  9 4 Chasing Records
  2 4/27 Benchmark
April 25 20 Price Parity
  18 13 What Season Is It?
  11 6 What Will it Take?
  4 3/30 Spring Break
March 28 23 Two Key Statistics to Watch
  21 16 The Weakest Link
  14 9 Vying for the Nation's Attention
  7 2 Punxsutawney Phil Was Wrong
February 28 23 Here Comes The Sun
  22 16 Not Living Up to Expectations?
  14 9 Treading Carefully
  7 2 Understanding the Context
January 31 26 A Shift in Momentum
  24 19 Safety Net
  18 12 $2 per Gallon?
  10 5 Bowled Over
  4 12/29 To Revise Or Not To Revise?


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 28 22 2006: The Year in Review
  20 15 Smarter Than The Average Bear?
  13 8 Call(ing) on OPEC
  6 1 The Weather Outside is Frightful
November 29 24 Hot Stove Season
  22 17 Days of Supply Data Now Included in Tables
  15 10 A Final Conclusion?
  8 3 Which Way to Vote?
  1 10/27 The Ups and Downs of the Oil Market
October 25 20 A Possible Turning Point
  18 13 300 Million
  12 6 Closing the Book on 2005
  4 9/29 Expectations
September 27 22 Depending on Where You Live
  20 15 How Low Can It Go?
  13 8 Oil Prices Continue to Drop
  7 1 A Roller Coaster Year
August 30 25 Are Current Conditions an Indicator of the Future?
  23 18 A Shift in Focus
  16 11 A Tale of Two Summers
  9 4 A Year of Significant Supply Challenges
  2 7/28 Sweating It Out
July 26 21 Hitting "300"
  19 14 News Flash: High Gasoline Prices Do Restrain Demand
  12 7 Thinking Of Winter During Summer
  6 6/30 Reliance on Others
June 28 23 Peaking At the Right Time
  21 16 Gasoline Demand This Summer
  14 9 That's Why They Play the Games
  7 2 The Calm Before the Storm(s)
  1 5/26 Summertime
May 24 19 Why Gasoline Prices Have Increased in 2006
  17 12 Closing In
  10 5 What About "BOB"?
  3 4/28 Analyzing the Unknowable
April 26 21 Understanding Gasoline Inventories
  19 14 $3 per Gallon?
  12 7 Clean and Dirty: Not Just Your Laundry!
  5 3/31 In Like a Lion, Out Like A…
March 29 24 In Retrospect
  22 17 An Early Peak?
  15 10 A Buying Spree? At These Prices?
  8 3 A Change of Season
  1 2/24 Deal or No Deal
February 23 17 Inventories and Prices Forging a New Relationship
  15 10 An Unusual Sight
  8 3 Hello, Winter
  1 1/27 Assumptions
January 25 20 Past, Present, and Future
  19 13 Heating Oil Blues
  11 6 Déjà Vu All Over Again?
  5 12/29 The Year of the Fuel Spec


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 29 23 The Year in Review
  21 16 The Importance of Weather
  14 9 Looking To the Future
  7 2 Saved by the Bell…err ah …Imports
November 30 25 Prognostications
  23 18 Learning from History
  16 11 Most Valuable
  9 4 Retail Gasoline Prices Generally Follow Spot Price Changes
  2 10/28 Old Man Winter
October 26 21 Diesel Prices Remain Elevated
  19 14 How Much Has Oil Demand Dropped?
  13 7 Beware the Woolly Worm
  5 9/30 A Season To Remember
September 28 23 A Significant Blow, But Not a Knockout
  21 16 Again?
  14 9 What Goes Up Will Come Down
  8 2 What to Expect for the U.S. Gasoline Market
August 31 26 The Sum of All Fears
  24 19 Good News and Bad News
  17 12 Pain At The Pump
  10 5 A Safe Landing?
  3 7/29 From the Dog Days of Summer…
July 27 22 Growth in U. S. Petroleum Product Demand in 2005
  20 15 Speculating On Speculation
  13 8 Twin Peaks
  7 1 A More Expensive Vacation Trip
June 29 24 Great Expectations
  22 17 It's a Diesel World After All
  15 10 Crude Summer
  8 3 The Near-Term vs. the Short-Term
  2 5/27 What You See Is Not All There Is
May 25 20 Saving for a Rainy Day
  18 13 Crossover?
  11 6 Yin-Yang
  4 4/29 Mostly Cloudy With a Slight Chance of Rain
April 27 22 Dependency
  20 15 $50 and $2
  13 8 Is The Sky Falling?
  6 1 The New and the Familiar
March 30 25 Crystal Balls and Gasoline Prices
  23 18 Looking Ahead
  16 11 FAQ on Gasoline and Oil Prices
  9 4 EIA Not Revising Gasoline Inventory Data
  2 2/25 Walking Manny to Pitch to Ortiz
February 24 18 Thoughts of Summer in February
  16 11 An Oil Market Urban Legend
  9 4 Looking Into the Crystal Ball
  2 1/28 The First Sign of Spring
January 26 21 Back to the Fifties?
  19 14 Here Comes the Cold
  12 7 Wild Cards
  5 12/31 Group Mentality?


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 29 24 Best of TWIP
  22 17 Home for the Holidays
  15 10 Baby, It's Cold Outside
  8 3 Fear Factor
  1 11/26 All Streaks Must End, Right?
November 24 19 Going Places
  17 12 November - A Telling Month
  10 5 A Temporary Phenomenon or Here to Stay?
  3 10/29 Gasoline vs. Diesel Fuel
October 27 22 Still in the Shop
  20 15 Nervous
  14 8 Peak Timing
  6 1 Watching The Wild Cards
September 29 24 Not So Fast
  22 17 The Oil Market Impact from Ivan
  15 10 Stormy Weather
  9 3 Refiners Don't Hold Back
  1 8/27 Roller Coaster
August 25 20 Start Value
  18 13 Turnaround
  11 6 The Quest for Gold
  4 7/30 Switching Focus
July 28 23 A Big Wave or the Beginning of High Tide?
  21 16 L’Alpe d’Huez
  14 9 A New Refinery?
  8 2 Turning Corners
June 30 25 Gasoline Prices Are Declining, but for How Long?
  23 18 Good News and…Not So Good News
  16 11 It's Like Predicting the Weather
  9 4 The Theory of Relativity
  3 5/28 The End of the Tunnel?
May 26 21 More Crude Oil Should Lower Prices
  19 14 Cycles
  12 7 Gasoline Price Reprieve?
  5 4/30 The Daily Show
April 28 23 Would More Crude Oil Help?
  21 16 Up, But From a Lower Number
  15 9 A Crystal Ball
  7 2 A Broken Record?
March 31 26 What Month Is It?
  24 19 Patience and Perspective
  17 12 The Luck of the Irish
  10 5 The Question on Everyone's Mind
  3 2/27 …And That's a Wrap!
February 25 20 And the Winner Is…
  19 13 TWIP Trends
  11 6 The Importance of Timing
  4 1/30 Dominoes Redux
January 28 23 Weathering the Storm…but at a Price
  22 16 Uncharted Territory
  14 9 Reliving the Past
  7 2 Cold Weather in January?


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 31 26 Adios, 2003!
  24 19 No Scrooge This Christmas?
  17 12 Tightness Intensifies
  10 5 A Matter of Balance
  3 11/28 Crude Oil vs. Products
November 26 21 How Low Are RFG Inventories?
  19 14 What Is Going On?
  13 7 A Crude Story
  5 10/31 Sources
October 29 24 Crude and Refined
  22 17 Stay Tuned
  16 10 Curses
  8 3 Can't See the Trees for the Forest
  1 9/26 Autumn's Arrival
September 24 19 Revisionist History
  17 12 Prepare for the Worst; Hope for the Best
  10 5 Careful With Comparisons
  4 8/29 Down a Mill
August 27 22 What Happened
  20 15 Blackouts and Outages
  13 8 Late Summer Surge
  6 1 Gasoline Markets Steady, But Strengthening
July 30 25 Crude Oil Imports Up, Production Down
  23 18 Fundamentally Tight or Hype?
  16 11 You Never Know
  9 4 Small Steps Forward
  2 6/27 The Price Is Right
June 25 20 Less Than Perfect
  18 13 Revisions (or Take 2)
  11 6 Product Build at Expense of Crude Draw
  4 5/30 A First Step
May 29 23 Start Your Engines
  21 16 A Long Trip Ahead
  14 9 Foreign Dependence
  7 2 Do the Math
April 30 25 What's Next for Crude Oil
  23 18 Another Record, But…
  16 11 Weekly Data on U.S. Crude Oil Imports
  9 4 Not So Fast
  2 3/28 The Armada Has Arrived
March 26 21 Back to Normal?
  19 14 As the Hour Draws Near
  12 7 Do Current High Petroleum Product Prices Reflect Price Gouging?
  5 2/28 Crude Oil Imports From Venezuela Increase Significantly
February 26 21 Crude Imports Still Low
  20 14 A Delicate Balance
  12 7 Up, Up, and Away
  5 1/31 5 for 5
January 29 24 No Surprises
  23 17 Another Domino Falling or a One-Week Blip?
  15 10 Dominoes
  8 3 A Surprising Week?
  2 12/27 Venezuelan Strike Impact Seen in Latest Weekly Petroleum Data


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 26 20 Petroleum Supply Data Begin to Reflect Venezuelan Impacts
  18 13 Last Minute Shopping
  11 6 Venezuela Impacts Not Felt Yet in U.S. Oil Data
  4 11/29 Where's The Crude?
November 27 22 Snow Is Not The Only Thing Falling
  20 15 Forward Fundamentals
  14 8 Is Trouble Brewing for Heating Oil This Winter?
  6 1 Cold Weather Heats Up Distillate Demand
October 30 25 Trick or Treat?
  23 18 Gasoline Prices Spring Forward as the Clock Falls Back
  17 11 After the Storms
  9 4 Ready For Winter?
  2 9/27 To Be, Or Not To Be
September 25 20 A Tale of Two Products
  18 13 Whoa Nellie!
  11 6 A Record Breaking Summer
  5 8/30 Turn the Page
August 28 23 $26, $27, $28,…
  21 16 Planes, Trains and Automobiles
  14 9 Double Dip?
  7 2 First Impressions
July 31 26 Dominance
  24 19 Falling Off the Wagon
  17 12 Equilibrium
  10 5 Are Stocks Going Up or Down?
  3 6/28 Numbers to Believe In
June 26 21 Flat Line
  19 14 Will Gasoline Demand Sizzle or Fizzle This Summer?
  12 7 It's US Against the World
  5 5/31 Surprised?
May 30 24 WTI Takes A Holiday
  22 17 Forgone Conclusion
  15 10 "30"
  8 3 It's A Crude, Crude World
  1 4/26 Bulls vs. Bears
April 24 19 When Up Is Down
  17 12 As the World Turns
  10 5 "Whassup"
  3 3/29 Crude Imports Key to Market Price Stability
March 27 22 It's All In the Timing
  20 15 The "Circle of Life" in Petroleum Markets
  13 8 March Madness
  6 1 Curve Ahead. Watch Out for Falling…Inventories
February 27 22 U.S. Oil Markets Appear to be Tightening
  21 15 What? Inventories Falling?
  13 8 Last Week's Petroleum Supply Data: Continuation of a Trend?
  6 1 Crude Oil Inputs Remain Low While Product Stocks Fall
January 30 25 Crude Oil Inputs Fall Substantially Last Week
  24 18 Crude Oil Inputs Fall; Are Further Declines Yet to Come?
  16 11 Crude Oil Inputs Remain High For This Time of Year