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Petroleum products Interactive data tools

Weekly updates

  • Weekly Petroleum Status Report
  • Data on supply and disposition of crude oil and major petroleum products, including motor gasoline, distillate fuel oil, jet fuel, residual fuel, and propane
  • Heating Oil and Propane Update
  • Weekly heating oil and propane prices during the heating season (October through March).
    Monthly heating oil and propane prices for the second Monday of each month from April through September


  • Petroleum Supply Monthly
  • Data on the supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products, including production, imports and exports, movements, and inventories

Refining and processing

  • Petroleum Marketing Monthly
  • Monthly and annual price and volume statistics covering crude oil and refined petroleum product sales in the United States
  • Refinery Capacity Report
  • Data series that include fuel, electricity, and steam purchased for consumption at refineries; refinery receipts of crude oil by method of transportation; and current and projected capacities for atmospheric crude oil distillation, downstream charge, production, and storage


Imports and movements

  • U.S. Liquids Pipeline Projects
  • Data on liquids (crude oil, petroleum products, and hydrocarbon gas liquids) pipeline projects that are completed (since 2010), under construction, or announced