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Past Issues & Trends

Natural gas consumed by U.S. electric power sector sets January record in 2022 May 12, 2022

coalconsumption/demandgenerationnatural gasnuclearrenewables

Oil-fired power plants provide small amounts of U.S. electricity capacity and generation May 16, 2017

capacitycoaldailygenerationliquid fuelsnatural gasoil/petroleumprices

Power plants’ costs and value to the grid are not easily reflected using simple metrics May 3, 2017


Thirteen gigawatts of natural gas-fired power generating capacity to be added in 2017 March 30, 2017

capacityconsumption/demandgenerating capacitynatural gasweekly

EIA hourly electricity demand data shows impact of Hurricane Matthew March 24, 2017


Brazil has the third-largest electricity sector in the Americas March 23, 2017


California imports about a quarter of its electricity on average March 3, 2017


Canada is the United States’ largest partner for energy trade March 1, 2017

Canadacrude oildailyinternationalliquid fuelsnatural gasoil/petroleum

U.S. electric generating capacity increase in 2016 was largest net change since 2011 February 27, 2017

capacitycoaldailynatural gasnuclearsolarwind

Two-way use of electric smart meters continues to grow and is the preferred operating mode February 24, 2017

ArizonaCaliforniaFloridaGeorgiaIllinoisPennsylvaniaTexasnet meteringsmart grid

The output range of large electric coal-fired steam turbines varies widely January 26, 2017

capacitygenerating capacity

Natural gas-fired power plants lead electric capacity additions in Mexico January 18, 2017

Mexicocapacitydailygenerationinternationalnatural gas

Wholesale power prices in 2016 fell, reflecting lower natural gas prices January 11, 2017

coaldailyelectricity generating fuel mixgenerating capacitynatural gasretirementswholesale prices

U.S. electric power industry is getting more beneficial use out of its combustion waste December 27, 2016

coalelectric generationpetroleum cokewaste-to-energywood

Thanksgiving holiday causes unique electricity usage patterns across the country December 5, 2016

CaliforniaFloridaNorthwestTexasUnited Statesconsumption/demanddailyresidentialstatesweatherwholesale power

Average electricity bills for residential customers rose in 2014, dipped slightly in 2015 November 29, 2016


EIA creates winter version of its daily energy dashboard for Southern California November 21, 2016

Californiadailyelectric generationgenerationinventories/stocksnatural gaspipelinesstatesstorage

Energy source mix varies among the three U.S. electricity grids October 25, 2016

ISO (independent system operator)capacitycapacity factorcoalhydroelectricinventories/stocksnatural gas

Hurricane Matthew may cause problems for East Coast energy infrastructure October 7, 2016


The United Kingdom's use of natural gas for power generation exceeds the three-year average in 2016, reversing previous decline October 6, 2016

United Kingdomelectric generationelectricity generating fuel mixnatural gas

Electricity customers’ service restored in Tallahassee after Hurricane Hermine September 15, 2016

FloridaGulf of Americadailygenerationoil/petroleumweather

EIA data show average frequency and duration of electric power outages September 12, 2016


Rural electric customers are the most vulnerable to power outages August 24, 2016


High natural gas-fired generation leads to rare summer net national weekly storage draw August 8, 2016

dailygenerationinventories/stocksnatural gasstorage

Use of natural gas for power generation hits record highs August 4, 2016

electric generationinventories/stocksnatural gaspricesstorage

Electric grid operators forecast load shapes to plan electricity supply July 25, 2016

consumption/demanddailydemand responsegenerationpower plantstransmission

Electric grid operators forecast load shapes to plan electricity supply July 22, 2016

consumption/demanddailydemand responsegenerationpower plantstransmission

U.S. electric system is made up of interconnections and balancing authorities July 20, 2016

CanadaISO (independent system operator)NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation)RTO (regional transmission organization)United Statesdailygenerationtransmissionwholesale power

Natural gas-fired electricity generation expected to reach record level in 2016 July 14, 2016

dailyelectric generationexports/importsgenerationnatural gasweather

EIA publishes construction cost information for electric power generators June 6, 2016

biomasscapacitydailyelectricity generating fuel mixgenerating capacityhydroelectricnatural gaspower plantspricesrenewablessolarwholesale powerwind

Growth in electric residential customers' use of competitive suppliers levels off in 2014 May 25, 2016


Germany’s renewables electricity generation grows in 2015, but coal still dominant May 24, 2016


Hydropower conditions improve as West Coast drought eases May 20, 2016

CaliforniaOregonWashingtondailyhydroelectricnatural gasstates

Many natural gas-fired power plants under construction are near major shale plays May 19, 2016

Texasdailygenerating capacitynatural gasproduction/supplystates

Strong El Niño helps reduce U.S. winter heating demand and fuel prices April 25, 2016

HGL (hydrocarbon gas liquid)dailyheating oilnatural gasoil/petroleumpricespropanetotal energy

Waste-to-energy electricity generation concentrated in Florida and Northeast April 8, 2016

Floridacapacitydailygenerating capacitygenerationstateswaste-to-energy

Mild weather, ample natural gas supply curb Northeast winter power and natural gas prices April 5, 2016

ISO (independent system operator)LNG (liquefied natural gas)MassachusettsNew EnglandNew Yorkconsumption/demanddailynatural gaspipelinespricesspot pricesweatherwholesale powerwholesale prices

Average utilization for natural gas combined cycle plants exceeded coal plants in 2015 April 4, 2016

capacity factorcoaldailygenerating capacitygenerationnatural gas

Wind adds the most electric generation capacity in 2015, followed by natural gas and solar March 23, 2016

CaliforniaTexasalternative fuelscapacitycommercialdailydistributiongenerating capacitygenerationindustrialnatural gasnet meteringpolicypower plantsrenewablesresidentialsolarstateswholesale powerwind

Demand trends, prices, and policies drive recent electric generation capacity additions March 18, 2016


Total electricity sales fell in 2015 for 5th time in past 8 years March 14, 2016


U.S. solar PV net metering capacity continued strong growth in 2015 February 26, 2016

capacitynet meteringsolar

Demand response saves electricity during times of high demand February 8, 2016

consumption/demanddailydemand responseefficiencyregulation

Winter storm knocks out power for more than a million customers January 29, 2016


Installed wind generator tower heights and output are growing January 26, 2016

capacitycapacity factorgenerating capacitypower plantswind

Wholesale power prices decrease across the country in 2015 January 11, 2016

dailyefficiencygenerationnatural gaspriceswholesale powerwholesale prices

New database provides monthly inventory and status of U.S. electric generating plants December 15, 2015

capacitydailygenerating capacitygenerationpower plantsretirements

Pacific Northwest electricity mix influenced by weather conditions, El Nino December 4, 2015

CaliforniaOregonWashingtondailygenerationhydroelectricnatural gasstatesweather

EIA electricity data now include estimated small-scale solar PV capacity and generation December 2, 2015

CaliforniaHawaiiMassachusettsNew JerseyNew Yorkcapacitycommercialdailydistributiongenerating capacitygenerationindustrialnet meteringrenewablesresidentialsolarstatesutility

Texas expected to keep breaking records for wind generation as wind capacity grows November 4, 2015

ISO (independent system operator)RTO (regional transmission organization)Texasalternative fuelscapacitydailygenerating capacitygenerationrenewablesstateswholesale powerwind

Axis-tracking technologies improve photovoltaic system capacity factors October 27, 2015

alternative fuelscapacitycapacity factorgenerating capacitygenerationsolar

India likely to experience continued growth in electricity use for air conditioning October 27, 2015


Indonesia has significant potential to increase geothermal electricity production October 19, 2015


Nationwide, electricity generation from coal falls while natural gas rises October 7, 2015

coaldailygenerationnatural gas

Household heating costs are expected to be lower than previous two winters October 6, 2015

HGL (hydrocarbon gas liquid)STEO (Short-Term Energy Outlook)dailyexports/importsforecasts/projectionsheating oilnatural gasoil/petroleumpricespropanerevenuesalesweather

Hurricane Joaquin may cause problems for East Coast energy infrastructure October 2, 2015

dailydisruptiondistributionnatural gasoil/petroleumrefineriestransmissionweather

U.S. nuclear outages were less than 3% of capacity this summer September 28, 2015

dailyelectric generationgenerationnuclearoutages

Natural gas use features two seasonal peaks per year September 11, 2015

commercialdailyexports/importsindustrialnatural gasresidentialweather

Electric generator capacity factors vary widely across the world September 8, 2015

dailygenerating capacityinternational

Alaska increases wind power capacity in utility-scale and distributed-scale projects September 1, 2015


Domestic market for distributed wind turbines faces several challenges August 27, 2015


India’s coal industry in flux as government sets ambitious coal production targets August 25, 2015


Texas electric grid serves record-high power demand August 17, 2015

Texasconsumption/demanddailydemand response

Coal, nuclear, and renewables expected to boost Vietnam’s electricity capacity August 3, 2015

coaldailyinternationalnatural gasnuclearrenewables

Electricity from natural gas surpasses coal for first time, but just for one month July 31, 2015

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)coaldailygenerationnatural gas

Residential solar PV capacity surpasses commercial solar PV capacity in 2014 July 27, 2015

ArizonaCaliforniaHawaiiMassachusettsNew JerseyNew YorkUnited Statescapacityresidentialsolarstates

Natural gas salt-facility storage serves special gas market needs July 27, 2015

Gulf Coastdailyelectric generationgenerationinventories/stocksnatural gasstorage

Power-to-gas brings a new focus to the issue of energy storage from renewable sources July 24, 2015

dailygenerationinventories/stocksnatural gasrenewablesstorage

U.S. nuclear outages are low during summer peak electricity demand season July 17, 2015


California grid expected to maintain reliability despite drought July 6, 2015

CaliforniaNERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation)dailygenerationhydroelectricstates

Fossil fuels have made up at least 80% of U.S. fuel mix since 1900 July 2, 2015

United Statescoalconsumption/demanddailyexports/importshydroelectricliquid fuelsnatural gasnuclearoil/petroleumrenewableswood

EIA celebrates 20 years on the Internet June 30, 2015

dailytotal energy

Europe aims for wider electricity market coordination June 19, 2015


EIA's mapping system highlights energy infrastructure across the United States June 16, 2015

crude oildailyinventories/stocksliquid fuelsnatural gasoil/petroleumstatesstorage

Efficiency moderates effects of higher electricity prices under proposed Clean Power Plan June 11, 2015

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)dailyefficiency

Levelized cost comparisons help explain value of various electric generation technologies June 3, 2015


Electric utilities invest in enhanced distribution system efficiency May 28, 2015

distributionefficiencysmart grid

Under the proposed Clean Power Plan, natural gas, then renewables, gain generation share May 27, 2015

CO2 (carbon dioxide)EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)dailyemissionsenvironmentforecasts/projectionsgeneration

Proposed Clean Power Plan rule cuts power sector CO2 emissions to lowest level since 1980s May 26, 2015

CO2 (carbon dioxide)EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)dailyemissionsenvironmentforecasts/projectionsgeneration

Nonpetroleum share of transportation energy at highest level since 1954 May 18, 2015

alternative fuelsbiofuelsbiomasscoalconsumption/demanddailyexports/importsliquid fuelsnatural gasoil/petroleumtransportation

Power generation from coal and natural gas expected to temporarily converge this spring May 14, 2015

STEO (Short-Term Energy Outlook)coaldailyhydroelectricnatural gasnuclearrenewables

Projected electric capacity additions are below recent historical levels May 11, 2015

capacitydailyforecasts/projectionsgenerating capacitygeneration

EIA's CBECS is the nation's only comprehensive survey of commercial buildings May 6, 2015


Natural gas, renewables projected to provide larger shares of electricity generation May 4, 2015

coaldailyexports/importsliquid fuelsnatural gasnuclearoil/petroleumrenewables

April natural gas consumption for Pacific Northwest power generation is triple the year-ago level April 30, 2015

Californiaelectricity generating fuel mixexports/importsgenerating capacitynatural gas

The number of electric smart meters operating in two-way mode has surpassed the number of one-way smart meters April 27, 2015

smart grid

UK's renewable energy targets drive increases in U.S. wood pellet exports April 22, 2015

United Kingdomalternative fuelsdailyexports/importsgenerationinternationalrenewableswood

EIA's Annual Energy Outlook will be released later today April 14, 2015


California’s continued drought, reduced snowpack mean lower hydropower output April 9, 2015


Nonhydro electricity storage increasing as new policies are implemented April 9, 2015


Average bills for residential customers rise in 2013 March 27, 2015


California first state to generate more than 5% of electricity from utility-scale solar March 24, 2015

CaliforniaRPS (Renewable Portfolio Standards)alternative fuelsdailygenerationrenewablessolarstates

EIA launches new data add-in tool for Microsoft Excel for Windows March 18, 2015

dailytotal energy

Growth in residential electricity prices highest in 6 years, but expected to slow in 2015 March 16, 2015


Total energy subsidies decline since 2010, with changes in support across fuel types March 13, 2015

biofuelscoaldailyliquid fuelsnatural gasnuclearoil/petroleumrenewablessolarwind

Scheduled 2015 capacity additions mostly wind and natural gas; retirements mostly coal March 10, 2015

capacitycoaldailygenerating capacitynatural gasnuclearrenewablesretirementssolarwind

New England Residential Electricity Rates Rise in 2013 and 2014 March 4, 2015

New Englandelectricity generating fuel mixnatural gaspricesresidentialweather

Wind generates more than 10% of Texas electricity in 2014 February 19, 2015

ISO (independent system operator)RTO (regional transmission organization)Texasdailyelectricity generating fuel mixgenerating capacitygenerationrenewablesstatestransmissionwholesale powerwind

New England generation fuel mix changes likely as Vermont Yankee nuclear plant retires February 2, 2015


Led by growth in Texas, the Southeast, and Northeast, power burn is headed for a January record January 29, 2015

capacityelectric generationexports/importsnatural gasweather

Vermont Yankee nuclear facility retires after 42 years of commercial operation January 26, 2015

Vermontgenerating capacitygenerationnuclearretirements

Northern Maine considers options to gain direct access to New England electric grid January 22, 2015


NERC assessment examines winter power system reliability, fuel diversity January 20, 2015

NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation)dailygenerating capacityweather

Wholesale power prices increase across the country in 2014 January 12, 2015

New EnglandNew Yorkcoaldailyinventories/stocksnatural gasprices

Electric power plant coal stockpile levels remain lower than in previous years December 23, 2014

coalgenerating capacitygenerationtransportation

Power sector employment declines, except for renewable electricity generators December 19, 2014


Several states are adding or increasing incentives for electric vehicle charging stations December 11, 2014


California leads the nation in the adoption of electric vehicles December 10, 2014


Increased solar and wind electricity generation in California are changing net load shapes December 9, 2014

CaliforniaISO (independent system operator)RTO (regional transmission organization)alternative fuelsdailygenerating capacitygenerationrenewablessolarstateswholesale powerwind

Almost all U.S. nuclear plants require life extension past 60 years to operate beyond 2050 December 8, 2014

NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)dailynuclear

The Use of Natural Gas Fired Internal Combustion Engines has Increased Significantly since 2002 November 25, 2014

electric generationelectricity generating fuel mixgenerating capacitygenerationnatural gaspower plants

Solar photovoltaic output depends on orientation, tilt, and tracking November 19, 2014


European residential electricity prices increasing faster than prices in United States November 18, 2014

EuropeUnited Statesdailyinternationalnatural gaspricesresidential

Rail shipments of oil and petroleum products through October up 13% over year-ago period November 13, 2014

HGL (hydrocarbon gas liquid)biofuelscoalcrude oildailyliquid fuelsoil/petroleumpropanerail

After record injections, natural gas storage levels now within 7% of 5-year average November 7, 2014

STEO (Short-Term Energy Outlook)dailyforecasts/projectionsgenerationinventories/stocksnatural gasstorageweather

Coal stockpiles at coal-fired power plants smaller than in recent years November 6, 2014

coaldailyinventories/stockspower plantsrailtransportation

Nuclear Regulatory Commission resumes license renewals for nuclear power plants October 29, 2014


Record solar output from utility-scale facilities due to photovoltaics in June 2014 October 24, 2014


Electricity distribution investments rose over the past two decades October 24, 2014


Lower electricity-related CO2 emissions reflect lower carbon intensity and electricity use October 23, 2014

CO2 (carbon dioxide)consumption/demanddailyemissionsenvironment

Less severe weather means lower expected household heating bills this winter October 7, 2014

HGL (hydrocarbon gas liquid)STEO (Short-Term Energy Outlook)dailyforecasts/projectionsheating oilliquid fuelsnatural gasoil/petroleumpropaneweather

California drought leads to less hydropower, increased natural gas generation October 6, 2014

Californiadailyelectric generationgenerationhydroelectricnatural gasstatesweather

California’s subhourly wholesale electricity market opens to systems outside its footprint September 30, 2014

CaliforniaISO (independent system operator)RTO (regional transmission organization)dailyelectric generationgenerationpower plantsstatesutilitywholesale powerwholesale prices

Minimum efficiency standards for electric motors will soon increase September 26, 2014

consumption/demanddailyefficiencyenergy efficiencyindustrialmanufacturingstandards

Participation growth in Illinois residential retail choice programs has leveled off since March 2013 September 25, 2014


Everywhere but Northeast, fewer homes choose natural gas as heating fuel September 25, 2014

RECS (Residential Energy Consumption Survey)buildingsconsumption/demanddailyexports/importsnatural gasresidential

Saudi Arabia uses largest amount of crude oil for power generation since 2010 September 24, 2014

CAB (Country Analysis Brief)Saudi Arabiacrude oildailyelectricity generating fuel mixgenerationinternationalliquid fuelsoil/petroleum

Natural gas, solar, and wind lead power plant capacity additions in first-half 2014 September 9, 2014

coaldailyelectric generationelectricity generating fuel mixgenerating capacitygenerationhydroelectricnatural gassolarstateswholesale powerwind

Geothermal resources used to produce renewable electricity in western states September 8, 2014

Californiadailyelectric generationelectricity generating fuel mixgenerating capacitygenerationgeothermalhydroelectricrenewablessolarstateswaste-to-energywindwood

Electricity transmission investments vary by region September 3, 2014


Residential electricity prices are rising September 2, 2014

CaliforniaNew Englanddailypricesresidentialwholesale prices

Investment in electricity transmission infrastructure shows steady increase August 26, 2014


New England relying more on natural gas along with hydroelectric imports from Canada August 22, 2014

New Englanddailyelectric generationelectricity generating fuel mixenergy efficiencygenerationhydroelectricnatural gasrenewablestransmission

Hawaii and U.S. Territories aim to increase fuel diversity with LNG imports August 19, 2014

HawaiiLNG (liquefied natural gas)dailyelectricity generating fuel mixexports/importsnatural gaspricesstates

Reasons for projected natural gas-fired generation growth vary by region August 15, 2014

AEO (Annual Energy Outlook)AEO2014Texasdailyelectric generationgenerationnatural gasstates

Steam coal imports remain down sharply from historic high in 2007 August 13, 2014

coaldailyelectricity generating fuel mixexports/importsgenerating capacitygenerationretirements

Metal-based durables manufacturers are fueled by electricity and natural gas August 1, 2014


Nonhydro renewables now routinely surpass hydropower generation July 31, 2014

alternative fuelsdailyelectric generationgenerating capacitygenerationrenewablessolarwind

EIA projects modest needs for new electric generation capacity July 16, 2014

AEO (Annual Energy Outlook)AEO2014dailyforecasts/projectionsgenerating capacitygenerationpower plants

EIA projections show hydro growth limited by economics not resources July 10, 2014

alternative fuelsdailygenerating capacitygenerationhydroelectricrenewables

The Columbia River Basin provides more than 40% of total U.S. hydroelectric generation June 27, 2014

CaliforniaCanadaNorthwestWashingtonWyomingdailyelectric generationgenerating capacitygenerationhydroelectricrenewablesstates

California continues to set daily records for utility scale solar energy June 25, 2014

CaliforniaISO (independent system operator)alternative fuelsdailyelectric generationgenerating capacitygenerationrenewablessolarstatesutility

Fewer wind curtailments and negative power prices seen in Texas after major grid expansion June 24, 2014

Texasdailygenerating capacitygenerationpower plantsstatestransmissionwholesale powerwind

Texas hits new peak wind output June 23, 2014

Texasdailygenerating capacitygenerationpower plantsstateswholesale powerwind

NERC’s Summer Reliability Assessment highlights regional electricity capacity margins June 20, 2014

NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation)Texasdailygenerating capacitygenerationstates

Hydropower supplies more than three-quarters of Brazil’s electric power June 17, 2014

Brazildailyelectric generationhydroelectricinternational

Railroad deliveries continue to provide the majority of coal shipments to the power sector June 11, 2014

coalconsumption/demanddailyelectric generationexports/importsgenerationinventories/stocksmarine transportationrail

Power sector CO2 emissions sensitive to policy changes and natural gas supply June 9, 2014

AEO (Annual Energy Outlook)AEO2014CO2 (carbon dioxide)dailyelectric generationelectricity generating fuel mixemissionsenvironmentforecasts/projectionsnatural gas

Recent trends in energy-related CO2 emissions vary across regions and states June 3, 2014

CO2 (carbon dioxide)ConnecticutEPA (Environmental Protection Agency)MassachusettsNew YorkVermontWest VirginiaWyomingcoaldailyenvironmentstates

Privately owned generators play a growing role in Mexico’s electricity supply May 30, 2014

Mexicodailyelectric generationgenerating capacitygenerationinternational

U.S. consumers’ energy spending rose this winter May 21, 2014

dailyheating oilliquid fuelsnatural gasoil/petroleum

Industrial onsite electricity concentrated in chemicals, oil, and paper manufacturing May 20, 2014

dailyefficiencygenerating capacitygenerationindustrial

Industrial facilities get most of their electricity from the grid May 19, 2014


Many industrial electricity customers are farmers May 12, 2014


Industrial sector drives increase in North Dakota electricity sales May 8, 2014

North Dakotacommercialconsumption/demanddailyindustrialliquid fuelsoil/petroleumresidential

Implications of low electricity demand growth April 30, 2014

AEO (Annual Energy Outlook)AEO2014consumption/demandelectric generationemissionsforecasts/projectionsgenerating capacitygeneration

Variations in AEO2014 renewable electricity projections April 29, 2014

AEO (Annual Energy Outlook)AEO2014RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standards)alternative fuelsbiomasselectric generationelectricity generating fuel mixforecasts/projectionsgenerationgeothermalhydroelectricpolicyrenewablessolarwaste-to-energywind

Implications of accelerated power plant retirements April 28, 2014

AEO (Annual Energy Outlook)AEO2014coalforecasts/projectionsgenerating capacitygenerationpower plants

Projected CO2 emissions vary with coal and nuclear power plant retirements April 28, 2014

CO2 (carbon dioxide)coaldailyemissionsgenerationnatural gasnuclear

Many newer power plants have cooling systems that reuse water February 11, 2014

dailygenerationpower plants

State Energy Profiles enhanced and renewables sections added December 19, 2013

alternative fuelsbiomasscoaldailyexports/importsgeothermalhydroelectricnatural gasoil/petroleumproduction/supplyrenewablessolarstatestotal energywind

Petroleum's share of Florida's electric generation mix dwindles as natural gas grows December 18, 2013

Floridadailyelectricity generating fuel mixgenerationliquid fuelsnatural gasnuclearoil/petroleumstates

Electricity in the Mid-Atlantic region is predominantly fueled by coal and nuclear sources November 18, 0213

Mid-Atlanticcoaldailyelectricity generating fuel mixgenerationnatural gasprices

Renewable generation provides a growing share of California’s electricity September 23, 2013

Californiadailygenerating capacitygenerationnuclearrenewables

Nuclear outages begin to increase with the start of the fall refueling season September 13, 2013


Vermont Yankee nuclear plant closure in 2014 will challenge New England energy markets September 6, 2013

New Englanddailygenerating capacitygenerationnuclearretirementsstates

The U.S. relies on foreign uranium, enrichment services to fuel its nuclear power plants August 28, 2013


EIA projects world energy consumption will increase 56% by 2040 July 25, 2013

IEO (International Energy Outlook)dailyemissionsforecasts/projectionsinternationalrenewables

Energy sources have changed throughout the history of the United States July 3, 2013

United Statescoalconsumption/demanddailyexports/importshydroelectricliquid fuelsnatural gasnuclearoil/petroleumrenewableswood